A new... ish little lion

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In the lionesses cave I lay close to my mother, the dry season has just begun and the lakes are evaporating. It also means that herds are leaving our territory in search of permanent waters.

As the sun begins to set, I am being approached. It's Zira.

"Hello Nala, I have heard that you and some of the others are going for a hunt at night outside the pride lands." She tells me timidly.
"We are, but why are you asking." I say, a bit confused to why she is asking me.
"The hyenas eat all the kills, and I haven't eaten in a few days. I can hunt so I will be an asset and you can hunt bigger prey with my help. She says hopefully.

I look at my mother.

"Zira, you are still young, it's unsafe for you to hunt, but you can come as a lookout." My mother smiles at Zira as she tries to get an hour more sleep before the hunt.

2 hours later

Nia, Aminifu (her mother), my mother, Sarabi, Zira and I walked away from Pride rock quietly. It was an hour past curfew and if we were found by either Scar or the hyenas we would be punished.

We make the hour long walk to the north border of the Pride lands, we have to be careful to not be caught by the hyenas patrolling the Pride lands or  the patrols of the Northern pride.

The adult lionesses take their positions in the hunt. Nia, Zira and I take our spots as look outs. A herd of zebra is being watched by the lionesses, they spot an old female. Nia's mother stirs in some panic and singles out the old zebra. My mother and Sarabi make the attack and the hunt is over in minutes.

We have to eat fast in order to not be in outside territory. The lionesses migth just be chased out, but if found, Nia, Zira and I could be killed.

We gobble the Zebra in just a few minutes, we also bring some back for the other lionesses or as a bribe to the hyenas if we are found after curfew.

My paws are beginning to hurt as we walk 5 km/3.1 miles back to Pride rock.

"Well well well, what have we here." Said a hyena cackling.
It is Shenzie, the strongest and most ruthless hyena.


When we hear Shenzies voice the cubs instinctively hide. Aminifu, Nia's mother and I keep our heads held high as the hyenas approach. Sarafina is hiding away from the cubs with all the meat which she buries underground in an attempt to mask the smell of fresh meat.

"Why are you outside, you know of the curfew." Growls Shenzie.

Luckily, we are only a few meters from pride rock.

"Nature's calling." Says Aminifu.
The cubs giggle, but the hyena doesn't notice. Shenzie gives us a disgusted look and let's us pass. Only when she is 100meters away do we call for the cubs and Sarafina.

We enter the lionesses cave and Sarafina drops the meat on the floor, Nala hands it out to the other lionesses evenly amongst the adults, a bit less for the teens and a paw full to the cubs. They eat it quickly and silently. The cubs are thirsty, but the moisture from the fresh kill settles them for now.

It kills me that Nala, Zira and the two other cubs have to grow up in a world in which in order to hunt and drink we must go outside the territory.

I lie down with Sarafina and Nala. Zira comes over timidly.
"Lie down here." I tell her as I pad the area next to me with my paw.
As she lies down and I feel her muscles relax as she begins the drift of to sleep, I feel a tear roll down my face.

I haven't felt this warmth or reliance on me since Mufassa or Simba were alive.

I nuzzle into Zira's head and begin to clean her, like I did to Simba every night.


I feel Sarabi licking my fur as she cleans me. I haven't felt this type of affection or care since my mother died in a hunt when I was very young. Ever since then I relied on Scar to get me the last Scraps of food, but ever since he became king. He ignores me.

He doesn't even look at me. I will do anything to get his attention and respect.

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