The tiny little cub

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10 minutes later


It's for my mother's life that I carry this cub. Even though I haven't met it yet and it has done nothing wrong, I hate it, with every cell in my body. I hate it's father, I hate it's mother, for allowing herself to be used in such a way. To be the creature that will carry it for the next 4 months. And that it will grow up in this wasteland with only its father to blame.

I pass the hyenas on my way out the cave.
"Oooh, Scar's new misses. Thought she said that she hates him, yet performs these kinds of favours for him." Laughs the hyena.
I lunge at it, and pin him to the ground, the hyena tries to bite my leg. I growl and let him go. The hyena stands up ready to attack me when a loud roar erupts from the cave.
"Yes Scar, sorry Scar." Cowers the hyena as it runs away. I too leave, and the tears return.


Zira still sits in the corner trying in vein to get her cub to feed. Nala walks into the cave, it's obvious that she was crying, but she tries to play it if that she hasn't.

First to her side is Serafina. She takes her daughter out into the pride lands, we hear Nala sob. I Watch with the others as Nala and Serafina talk, we can see them but only hear Nala crying, no words can be made out.

Half the hunting party leaves our cave and heads for the last waterhole, where the few remaining herds stay. They will be out for a few hours. All who are left are the old lionesses, too weak to hunt daily, I stay with them to look after Zira and her new cub.

Her betrayal to our pride was unforgivable, but her actions and mistakes should not be put on the cub.


Nala told me all about how she is now a mother to Scar's heir and officially his mate. We cry together, she cries for what happened to her and I cry for how she chose to go through hell to save me.  We won't tell the other lionesses.

"We can tell them that you have met a different lion, a rough, like your father." I tell her.
"Won't they notice that it looks like him." She answers, worry in her voice.
"Not if you tell them that it's the southern pride's male, they look like Scar.
"Ok, that could work." She aggress.
"You do however have to mate him, so that if asked he will agree that the cub is his." I add.


We walk to the southern prides border, as females, we can enter if we mate in pwith the male and don't hunt. The territory is smaller than ours, but pray is plentiful, they have permanent waters there.

We walk for 10 minutes until we find a female. She looks a lot like Scar, they have the same face and body shape. We avoid talking to her. She might see as a threat and attack.
"I will leave you here Nala. Be careful and be home before sunset." My mother tells me. She nuzzles me just before we part.

I hear a roar, it's the king king telling all that this is his territory. I follow thé roars until I see him.

I approach him already submitting. I don't want a confrontation. He spots me and stands. He watches me closely trying to figure out my intentions. I lie down, fully submitted. He walks up and sniffs me, I flirt a bit and he doesn't respond aggressively.

"Who are you?" He asks assertively.
"Nala, from the central pride." I ask, not looking him in the eye.
"Ahhh, Scar is your king? The one who ruined the land and brought all the herds to us?" He laughs.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"I'm looking for a mate."
"But you have a king." He says confused.
"I don't want my cub being his child." I answer still not looking up at him.
"Ahhh, well Nala, as you are here, I treat you as my lioness." He says sounding rather pleased.

"All my lionesses are from the southern pride since they were born. A central lioness would be a change of pace." He says as he looks me over.
"Look at me." He commands me, I look up, he has the same facial and body shape as Scar, he is older and has several scars on his face and a missing tooth.

"So you are here to mate?" He asks smiling.
"Yes, yes I am." I reply looking away.

2 hours later.

The sun is just about to begin to set as I walk into the lionesses cave. In one day I have mated two lions less than half an hour after Zira birthed her cub.

I walk into the cave and lie down next to Angavu. I am over come by shame, I am pregnant with Scar's cub. I haven't eaten today, but I am not hungry, just sad and mad, mad at myself and at Scar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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