A confrontation

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As the time passed Zira and I became closer every day, she stopped devoting herself as much to Scar in order to play and be a cub. We officially adults now and best friends and almost inseparable.

I sit next to my mother, she is getting older now, and we watch the land. The drought has murdered the land and only a few herds remain. The drought should have passed a while ago but this year has been hard. Our water hole is drying up, the key to keeping tue herds here is going away and so are the herds. I hate Scar for what he has done, he sent his hyenas to kill Mahani, the oldest lioness after she disobeyed him when she was told to kill the new leopard litter. I hate him for killing nufula's twin male cubs. His excuse, that they were a threat to his rule.

Scar makes us over hunt in order to feed his huge pack of hyenas. They don't do anything other than ruin what we have built. Our den, gone. A sustainable environment, gone. Mahani, gone. Simba....

I hate the hyenas.
I hate Scar.

I am an adult and able to go on the big hunts with the lionesses. Nala and I are often tasked by Scar to kill a small animal for him as a snack. We are allowed to eat the scraps if there are any.

Nala is my best friend, however she doesn't like Scar at all. I find him all right, he knows how to command a kingdom and he did save me when Mufassa wouldn't.

I go sit next to Nala and Serafina on the edge of Pride rock. Shenzie comes up to us and tells us to get off through barring teeth. We get up dismissively, there is no point in fighting, there are 50 of them and only 13 of us. We go down to the bottom of Pride rock heading for the water hole when we hear a loud roar, it's Scar.

We watch as 10 other lionesses come running over to hear what he has to say. Scar emerges from the cave with the wind in his mane.
"Lionesses!" He yells powerfully.
"The herds are leaving our territory, and heading for the south to the southern prides territory. Zazu has informed me that their king is weak, his brother has died so a takeover would be easy. In one week we leave to attack. Nala and Zira will join us. The southern pride has 6 lionesses and many more herds to keep us alive. Zira, please come to the cave in ten minutes." With that he leaves.

I think that Scar is a great king and I do not understand why the others do not like him. I wonder what he wants me for. I would do anything for him, I don't tell Nala this because she hates him.

Lion king Scar's reign Where stories live. Discover now