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I walk into Scars cave worried, I have no idea what's going on and 10 or so hyenas are there, being rather polite which I guess can't be a good sign.
"Leave!" Scar snaps at the hyenas. They leave and I am standing at the entrance of the cave rather awkwardly.
"Zira." Scar says softly as he makes his way towards me.
"Scar... hi." I say, instantly regretting what I had said.
"A king." He begins.
"Needs a queen, and an heir." He says while looking at me. I think I know where this is going but I'm not sure. I am secretly hoping he is about to ask me to give him an heir.
"Zira, you're an ambitious and devoted lioness. Perfect to bear my heir, to be my mate and..." he takes a breath and I feel myself smile And eyes widen.
"Queen." He says smiling.
I walk up to him and nuzzle him.
"Are you ready to be a mother?" He says slyly.

1 hour later.
I walk out of Scars cave, I am a mother now. I spot Nala and am instantly over come with shame. I mated the creature she most despise, what kind of a friend am I. But then I think. I am giving a powerful, good king a cub, someone who will continue his legacy. In 4 months after my cub is born, Scar is going to defeat the southern pride and we will have more territory, more food, this will make a better home for our child. In 4months I will have a cub.

I'm not going to tell Nala, what's the point, I'm in a good place with her and that can continue until my cub is born. Even though I haven't met it yet, I love it, I will do anything for this cub. I'll kill for them. And I will definitely not make enemies before it is born.


I help my mother and Sarabi drag the buffalo which we killed along with the other lionesses back to Scar. I see Zira and call for her to come and help. I also what to know what Scar wanted her for. She comes over looking rather worried.
"So..." I start
"What happened with Scar?" I ask
"Umm... he just w-wanted to ask me something."
"Well what was that something?" I ask, confused by her suspiciously vague answer.
"Just how the hunts were going." She replies. As she grabs hold of the buffalo's neck and helps us pull.

4 hours later


It's getting dark and the other lionesses are going to the under cave. The cave below Pride rock, usually reserved for passing lions during Mufassa's reign has become the lionesses sleeping quarters. It is horrible down there, ants bite us in the night, rotting scraps left by thé hyenas and the carcass of a warthog reserved for when the hyenas are looking for a snack.

I go inside for the daily head count. One is missing, Zira. Nala says that she went up to Scar for a moment. Today was my turn to face Scar if we needed anything. It's these days that I dread. Scar is an incredibly violent lion and often attacks us at a minor mistake, such as being late to something. For some reason he never attacks us near Zira or Nala, but Nala knows. She helps us clean our wounds and brings us food when we are to injured to hunt. She even comforted nafanu when Scar killed her cubs. Nala knows the horrors that Scar has committed, Zira does not.

I walk up to Scar's cave to try to find Zira. I park into the cave and see Zira and Scar.
"Oh my queen." Scar says to Zira softly, in a tone I have never heard him speak. I'm confused, queen? Sarabi is technically the queen, not scrawny Zira.

Zira is lying down on the floor of the cave smiling as she watches Scar walk up to her. Scar smiles back as he walks, head held up high. He lies down behind her and begins to clean her neck. Zira closes her eyes and begins to purr.

"Oh Scar..." Zira starts.
"Zira, I am not Scar, you are my queen and I am your king. Call me king as I will call you my queen. He corrects her kindly. Zira blushes.
"Ok my mighty king" she says. to this Scar smiles wider as he continues to lick her neck clean.
"I never knew you to be so gentle."
"Only to you my beloved queen." He replies. I gag in disgust. I have had enough watching them talk.

I walk down to the lionesses cave and tell the others that Zira will not be joining us tonight.
"She has other arrangements tonight." I say through clenched teeth.


I lie with Zira, cleaning her. She will spend tonight with me as it is her first official night being my queen. Like this she will spend all nights, in my cave. Zira is the only lioness who respects me and is devoted to my reign as king, and for that she will be rewarded.

I stand.
"What is wrong?" Zira asks.
She rolls from her side onto her belly. And I stand over her.


What are you doing Scar, I mean my King?" I ask knowing full well what he is about to do.
"We cannot guarantee that you are bearing my cub yet." He says smiling down at me.
"Oh, umm, yeah." I say,
"I didn't think about that." I add
I hear him chuckle. I join in quietly.
He lowers himself, hovering over my back.

Lion king Scar's reign Where stories live. Discover now