2 months later

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Scar has been taking care of me and has been spending time with me for the past 4 months. I am to have my cub and day now and we both are very excited.

I haven't spoken to the other lionesses other than Sarabi for 2 months now, but I don't care, I hate them. They don't understand. Not even Nala. Scar, my cub and I will be happy, just us.

When the cub is born we will attack the southern Pride. This will make my cubs life better, and maybe convince the others that Scar is good.

Suddenly I feel a jolt of pain in my stomach. I'm having my cub. I roar out in pain and within minutes, Scar is by my side.


A pained roar sounds throughout the pride lands, it's Zira, she is having her cub. Angavu and I run back to pride rock. We watch from the entrance to the cave.  Zira is breathing heavily through clenched teeth as Scar attempts to comfort her. They don't even notice that Angavu and I are watching in horror at the mouth of the cave.

After twenty minutes of pained growls a
Zira nuzzles a tiny sickly looking cub. He is far skinnier than a normal new born cub and has hardly any fur, just random patches.
"What kind of creature from hell is that!" Scar yells at Zira.
"All I wanted was a suitable heir. A mighty lion, not a crippled mess!" He yells louder and louder. Scar spots us and we run.

Angavu and I go down to the lionesses cave and tell them what we had just seen.
"And then he was all like all I wanted was a suitable heir not a crip..." Angavu pauses. Zira walks into the cave, directly to the back corner, away from us. She puts her new cub down and begins to nurse it silently.

"What an ugly cub." Says a lioness, the others shush her. At this Zira looks incredibly hurt and let's out a low, defeated growl.

Lion king Scar's reign Where stories live. Discover now