A new friend

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After I have just given my speech I am heading of to bed, the lionesses follow in pairs, their steps in perfect sync.

I mark the Kings cave at the mouth of pride rock so all the females know not to come in unless told to.

I get up and walk over to the lionesses cave at pride rock.
"A bad time?" I laugh at the sight of the teenage cubs crying with Sarabi as the others comfort them. All the lionesses glare at me angrily.

"I am the king! Don't look at me that way or you shall be the hyena's next meal." I shout at them

The cave falls silent.

"We will discuss queen business tomorrow!" I tell them as I leave the cave.

I look over at Zira, she was my little cub that I took care of, but it is time she became part of the pride. After all, a powerful king is never seen with a needy, scrawny little cub that isn't even his child.

Next morning

Scar has called us for a meeting, I stay close to mother and Sarabi as we all wait for Scar to come.

As he makes his way down to the bottom of Pride rock, we bow or else are bit by the hyenas. Scar stands on his rock he announces who his queen will be.
"Sarabi shall be queen until I have found my self a mate!"Scar shouts for us all to hear.
"Unlikely." Whispers a lioness next to my mother.

A hyena hears and bites the lionesses leg. She roars in pain, but we all stand there, as if nothing is happening.

Sarabi is crying silently, her eyes and nose are red, but she keeps her head held high.

Scar leaves and the hunting party has gone to get food. I'm left with the teenagers and Zira to play with.

3 hours later.

Once the hunting party returns, I come up to eat my share of the carcass, but am pushed away along with all of the hunting party by the hyenas who gobble the meal in a feeding frenzy.

Once they're done with it there is none left for anyone else, so the hunters go out again, breaking the rule of the land, one carcass a day. Usually it is more than enough to feed the whole pride, but with hyenas around that may be a bit harder.

I look over at Zira, I've never really liked her as she is a bit over confident, but now that Scar has abandoned her, I walk over to her.

"Hi Zira, wanna play with Angavu and I." I ask.
"Sure." She replies, eyes beaming.

Lion king Scar's reign Where stories live. Discover now