The meeting

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"Scar wants to meet me?" I scoff.
"Why?" I ask Zira.
"I don't know, I'm just the messager." She answers sulky.
"Come on Nuka, eat, please." Zira begs he cub quietly, but we all hear.
"You better go." Says Angavu.
"But be careful." She adds worried.
As I leave Sarabi walks up to Zira and lies next to her, she says something but I don't hear.

I walk up to Scars cave and see two hyenas guarding the entrance.
"Scar's new misses." One laughs.
"Shut up, they aren't ment to know." Snaps the other As they let me pass.


As I walk into the cave i notice how well it smells, the hot breeze doesn't come in so the cave is cool. The floor does not have. Bones and pieces of rotting meat scattered around as it usually does. It's as if Scar has cleaned. The usual musty smell is gone and instead smells like fresh grass, something I haven't smelt in months.

"Ahh Nala." Scar says as he enters the cave. He is beaming at me which makes me squirm.
"What do you want Scar?" I say standing tall and assertively. He makes his way slowly towards me. I stand my ground, head held high.
"I have a favour that only you can fulfil." He says smiling right in front of me, our noses nearly touching. At this I submit, if he were to attack me I wouldn't stand a chance. The safest choice is to look down.

"Don't cower Nala." Scar laughs. I look up. He is still smiling then suddenly it vanishes.
"As you may know, Zira has failed." He says.
"As a king I need a suitable heir, Zira has not provided me with that. I want a lioness who is strong, a leader and who will comply with this rather minimal requirement."
I don't say anything, me? He wants me? He just got his cub and it is not even half an hour old and he has decided that it simply will not do.

"Nala, you will carry my cub." Scar says sternly.
"No." I say, there is no anger in my voice, no emotion, I didn't even raise my voice.
"NO!!!?" Scar shouts
"No." I answer just the same as last time.
At this he strikes, his claw slashes across my face, it hurts and I can feel the blood drip down my face, but I don't say anything. Frozen I stand there, watching Scar pace around the cave, growling as he looks at me.

He walks up to me and whisper in my ear, "if you don't give me an heir, I sure wouldn't count on you mother being here tomorrow...

My eyes full with tears, I look at him.
"You wouldn't." I say.
"YOU WOULDN'T!" I wail for a second time.
"I will." He says calmly.

"So Nala, what is the verdict." He smiles.
"A cub or do I make you an orphan."

"Only one?" I ask between sobs.
"Oh yes only one." He replies soothingly.
"But try we will until I get that cub." He adds.

Lion king Scar's reign Where stories live. Discover now