Just reflecting...

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I think I've been moving too fast and going nowhere.

Somewhere along these lines, I gave into time and made a decision to fall short of my little white lies of crime.

The past version of me wouldn't understand any of this... not being able to self reflect and correct is something I pushed away back then but now I see. It was just a easy way to forget about my sin.

I've been speeding on slippery streets with no light to see when I was approaching a turn. My love comes at no fee but my trust with a simple plea you must earn.

Even though he should have been first on my list... now it's Gods turn.

It's time for me to focus and really take in all that he's trying to give to me, why I didn't just hand it all over to him in the beginning i'm not sure but now I'm ready for him to deliver me.

The enemy plants themselves in the people who to you have the most meaning. Whatever way they can corrupt your brain is a good enough sick and insane game for them to play.

I've been moving too fast and going nowhere... having all these blessings and instead of getting down on my knees and thanking the one who gave them to me, I can't wait to tap on a screen to share with the ones who hate me for having such holy things.

To the man I've fallen for, I like you but we're on two different floors.

When I think of you.. I get this feeling in my core. Something is telling me to dive in while another is telling me to stay at shore.

Whatever voice I listen to... I know I'm going to stick to my beliefs. If it ever gets to the point where you say you love me, then waiting until marriage is an understandable thing.

I've been moving too fast and going nowhere.

To the people I put first it feels as if I'm last in their lives... only being favored when they need a favor.

I haven't gone anywhere.

Beware of the ones you mistreat because you think you don't need them, take heed of them before they realize everywhere alone is better than being accompanied by a cold lifeless soul.

My pace is everything but slow.

My heart ain't nothing to be played with. This seventeen year old ancient thing here still has the ability to care and aid for something real.

I know theirs plenty of fish in the sea, but I can tell you there ain't no mo like me. I'm the rarest of every breed, and to those who fall down at my feet with weakened knees, I look past them, defending my femininity. The only thing they want from me is my body.

I slowed down and moved an inch forward.

Sometimes my mind gets crowded with boredom but I won't dare pick up that speed again just to remain stagnant, I want not to be of the world. I manage the goal I aim to reach. Societies norms no longer get to define me.

I am moving freely.

- Donna

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