The past made me, But I am not the past.

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I learned to move silently.

Literally and figuratively.

I keep my responses respectful with a tight lip and my emotions composed with balled fist.

You learn how to be kind and softer at younger ages. Sharing is caring and being that sense of security for the ones around you when they feel need for sincerity.

The moment theirs a "teen" behind the years of you living, your emotions are sent to be influenced by heavy dealings and raged feelings.

People wonder what's happening to the newer generations in society but what they fail to realize, while they point out everything negative in what we idolize, is that the problem lies deeper than the disguises we hide behind.

The truth never lies.

Yes you can point the finger and talk about everything that you tried to do to keep your baby from being a sinner, but everyone knows that things like that are far more than what they're shown.

No child can grow into something they don't know or have been exposed.

Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, and yes some people have done their best, but don't act like you passed every test before you could see clearly in where your life was supposed to move next.

This world has been covered with a thick fog.

Like in a competitive game of basketball you must fight for the strength to continue on and control your own life like a die hard boll hog.

It's hard not to get caught up and stuck in the ways of the world.

I've been saved and I still sin everyday.

God is so great.

He's been so good to me and I can speak proudly of the things he's done through me and to me.

Till this day no one has shown me a greater love than the man up above.

He changed me.

I don't see things the way I did before my blessing and never ending trusting in someone who can actually make it happen for me.

Children are lost and pained.

You say you did your best but somewhere along the way you made a mistake.. somewhere along the way your baby lost faith and now they're wandering in this fog, blinded by their opponent, seeking and searching for something to hog, and hold, and love, and mold into what they were missing while you were at work.

Or you were emotionally unavailable.

Mentally unstable.

Depressed and stressed.

It's ok because you're human too, but don't project these babies as if they're the only cause of their pain, they're holding on to the things in their past that drove them insane and using it to carry on in their misleading acts of the world, being torn apart day by day by the breaking of their aching hearts.

I was hurt so bad i didn't even know where to start.

I wish I could save everybody.

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