F*** the media.

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Social media has nothing for me.

Interacting with people by my thumb and rapidly tapping on a screen, as if it's a drum actually bores me.. Catch me in person.

I can understand you better.

What can I do for you over the phone if you're under the weather? Baby I'd rather you write me a letter than send me a text. The value of face to face social interaction to society seems to get less and less.

Things are so out of hand that they even invented phone sex. What's next?

I guess this is something I have to get used to. I used to enjoy the thrill of social media but now it's all old news.

Of course scrolling on an app and comparing yourself to what others have would brings the blues. Then people wonder why they feel so sad and as if they're not enough in the place that they have. Y'all just don't have a clue.

In reality that stuff sucks.

I've realized that I need to take a day or two to detach because we're all stuck.

Stuck in this electronic world.

Focus on something else besides them texting you back late and worry about the shifting of the earths tectonic plates.

Read a book and feed your mind instead of feeding off the drama from those two girls on live.

Go out and experience something instead of judging somebody else for living what they see as a happy life.

Focusing on other people gains you nothing! It would be a lie if I said I didn't indulge in some of these things.. but I can take accountability and know when it's time for a change.

Put that phone down and open your eyes.

Watching the world for only five seconds is long enough to change anybody's mind. Theirs so much that happens before you, but in the blink of an eye and the buzz from a notification you're attention is stolen.

I don't know about you but I don't want just a profile picture and a few post to be all I know of someone. If that's all I get of them then I'd rather have none.

Then, nobody wants to be themself, everyone following the same tired trends.

And, why on social media your added list reads one thousand plus but in real life you have less than three friends?

My whole point is, the media isn't a crime... but getting lost in it and finding your way out is getting harder with time.

- Donna

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