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I believe that I can truly live off intimacy.

Those intimate feelings.

Forget about sex and the city, give me a steady partner and a comfy home in the country and I'd be truly happy.

I once heard a song about sexual healing.. but I think it's better for someone to just be there listening.. understanding.

Actually trying to comprehend what you're saying.

But maybe I sound crazy.. maybe it's the celibacy in me speaking but these are true feelings.

I believe I can truly survive off intimacy.

It doesn't even have to be anything related to romantic interacting, it could be something as simple as you and me, parading, dancing in the thundering rain and hearing each others laughs and calling out to the most highs name.

That feeling for another being when you know in your heart that they too feel sincerely just as you do for them and their entirety.

Even when you're tired of their company, you seem to still stay because eventually the weariness will go away and be replaced with smiles and talks for days.

I bet if you were to share my words publicly, the person you're thinking about would know he or she's name, because this feeling is so particular.

So irregular.

Something like one in a million.

Finding that person you want to spend years with.

Explore and take pictures with.

The world doesn't even have to know, because this isn't anything being done for show, it's about what happens when the lights go out, nothing like entangling bodies but sharing your mindsets and highlighting your favorite hobbies.

Talking until the sunsets and creating new memories.

This is what my heart is feeling.

This is why I can't stop smiling.

Peaceful company.

Love with joyful singing equate my giggling from your hands rubbing all over me, comforting me and showing me that you're there.

Sticking around and being the other figure to complete our pair.

Forget a perfect match.

I want someone who can teach me something, someone who waters me as I water them, our seeds like a plant working together for the nurturing and growing of our hearts.

This is what makes things last.

No sexual feeling can defeat what intimacy brings.

What you give to me.

I am truly thankful for your being because you are everything, this feeling is what love is supposed to be.

I feel for those who have reached out in the wrong ways when they simply wanted to be seen.

To feel intimately without someone expecting to gain anything from you but your hearts presence, is the best present I've ever received.

Even though it came to me roughly and wasn't the newest in form and kind of got a bit rusty, especially since my trusting wasn't the best thing presented between he and I.

This blessing can't be seen by the regular human eye.

You have to really know what it means to love another being this much to see how no amount of distrust or bad luck could ever destroy us.

In a world full of lustful dealings.. you don't have to worry about me.

Because I believe, that I can truly make it.. with just intimacy.

- Donna

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