Chapter 6: The Babysitter

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Author's Note: HAHA I UPDATED!!! I'm sorry it took me so long (here we go, more excuses) but I was trying to find the time, and make it good. I originally had the whole chapter written and I didn't like they way it turned out so I re-wrote the whole thing. Enjoy!!! :)

Ash's p.o.v

"Boys, Harry is still sick and I need to take him to the doctor. I found a babysitter be good. Ok?"

Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis chorus 'ok's and Niall gives me a thumbs up.

"Can I go with you?" Louis asked.

"You sure? You're probably gonna get bored."

"I'm sure."

"Well get ready, we leave as soon as the babysitter gets here."

~~~half an hour later~~~

The doorbell rings and I open the door to reveal a boy, about 18-20 and like a foot taller than me.

"Hi, you're the babysitter, right?"

"Paul Higgins, at your service."

"I'm Ashlyn. Come on in. Thanks so much for watching the boys. I shouldn't be gone too long, I'm just taking Harry to the doctor, Louis is coming with me so you only have to watch Liam, Niall, and Zayn. If I'm not back by lunch, you should be able to find something to make in the kitchen, but Liam doesn't like spoons so try to avoid that if you can. The boys shouldn't be too much of a handful, just sit them on the couch with a movie and they'll be perfectly happy." Paul listened to me ramble on as he entered the house.

"I'm sure I can manage. Where are the boys?" He asks

"They're probably goofing off in their room. I'll show you. I have to get Harry from his crib anyway." I say as I make my way up the stairs. I open the door to the 3 boy's room to find Liam and Niall building a tower out of blocks together while Zayn quietly played by himself in the corner.

"Boys, this is Paul. He'll be watching over you while I'm gone ok? You boys have fun, I'll be back as soon as I can." I tell them and we quickly exchange goodbyes and I moved on to Louis and Harry's room.

"Louis? You ready to go?" I ask as I open the door.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Harry fell asleep though."

"It's fine, let him rest. Just grab his bear and let's go out to the car, ok?" He nods and grabs Harry's bear while I pick up Harry without waking him. You could tell by his face even though he was sleeping that he was in pain.

"My poor baby." I whisper to myself and place a light kiss on his forehead.

Yes, I realize that technically Harry was not my baby, I don't know what his first words were, I never saw him take his first steps, I didn't help potty train him. But I don't care about that. He's mine and it will always be that way. Nothing can change that. Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall are mine.

Niall's p.o.v

Ashlyn left to take Harry to the doctor because he still wasn't feeling good. She left us with some guy named Paul, who interrupted me and Liam building an awesome tower.

"So what are your names?" Paul asked us while squatting down.

"I'm Niall!" I instantly shout out before remembering Liam has told me many times to not shout things and I should use my inside voice. I hear Paul laugh a bit before he turns to Liam.

"And your name is?"

"I'm Liam, and Zayn is over there." Liam answers for himself and Zayn, probably knowing Zayn isn't in his best mood today, and wants to be left alone.

I Adopted One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora