Chapter 8: Pillow Fort

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Niall's p.o.v

"Niall! Me, Harry, and Zayn are making a pillow fort downstairs. Wanna join us?" Louis asks me.

"Of coarse!" I exclaim, jumping up from my seat on the bed.

"Shh! Keep it down!"

"Did you not ask Ashlyn?"

"Not really. If we do it as a group and clean up after, we won't get in trouble." Louis tells me.


"Grab all of the pillows and blankets you can find and bring them downstairs." I nod and he leaves.

I turn and take all the blankets and pillows from my bed and run downstairs with the stuff almost falling from my arms.

"Niall! Just drop it over there and we'll use it later. Can you go grab the stuff from my bed and Liam's too? I'm sure he won't mind." Zayn told me and I dropped the stuff.

"How long have you guys been working on this?" I asked.

"Only for a few minutes. We haven't got much done." Louis answered.

"I can tell."

"Just go get more pillows!" Harry exclaims.

"I'm going, I'm going." I say and run back up the stairs to get the pillows and blankets from Zayn's bed. I run down and pile the load on top of the last one and go back up for Liam's.

"What are you doing?" I hear as I walk out of the room with my arms full.

"Nothing." I reply as I look up at Ashlyn.

"You're obviously doing something. Care to explain?"

"You'll see." I say and run back down the stairs with Ashlyn behind me.

"We're making a pillow fort!!!" I yell.

"Who gave you boys the permission to do this?" Ashlyn asks as she raises an eyebrow.

"I heard that it's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission." Louis says.

"I'll let you make a pillow fort if you clean it up."

"Can we sleep in it tonight?" Zayn asks.

"Yes, but I'm not helping you clean it up and I want it down by breakfast. And you should invite Liam too."


Liam comes out of the kitchen and looks at me.

"What are you yelling for? You should be using your inside voice." Liam reminded me.

"We're making a pillow fort! You should join us!"

"Liam," Ashlyn starts to say as she squats down to Liam's height. "Go play with the other boys. They really want you to help them build their pillow fort." I heard her whisper.

Liam nodded and then ran over to us.

~a half an hour later~

"Ashlyn! Ashlyn! Ashlyn! Look at what we made!!!" I yell as I run up the stairs to find Ashlyn in her room, folding clothes.

"What did you make Niall?"

"You'd have to come see it!!!"

"Alright. I'm almost done here so I'll come down when I'm done."

"But I want you to come down now!"

"You'll have to wait, Niall. Be patient."

"I don't wanna be patient!"

"Niall, don't whine. Otherwise I'll have to put you in time out."


"Niall, I'm warning you."


"That's it Niall. Sit right there for 5 minutes while I finish this."

Ash's p.o.v

I feel kinda bad for putting Niall in time out. He needs to know that he's not gonna get everything he wants right when he wants it. It's not like I didn't give him any warning either.

~5 minutes later~

I finished folding the laundry just as the alarm on my phone went off, signaling it has been 5 minutes.

I turn around to see Niall with tears in his falling down his cheeks. Seeing little blonde boy like that, I can almost physically feel my heart breaking. I go over to him and bend down to his height.

"Niall, do you know why I put you in time out?"

"Cause I was being bad."

"You were whining. You know you don't whine, you ask nicely."

"I know. I'm sorry mummy." He says as he wipes his tears.

"It's alright sweetheart." I whisper in his ear as he gives me a hug. "Now what did you wanna show me?"

His eyes instantly lit up, making me smile.

"We finished the pillow fort!"

A/N: I feel like I used to watch waaaaaaay too much Super Nanny lol.
I just finished drama camp YAY! We did Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and I was Mr. Coggins and one of the Morris Men (which we called Moris Maids because we were all girls). I'm at my grandparents house for the week so I have a lot more time on my hands, meaning... Wait for it...


I think a lot can come from this story and I'm actually already planning the boys as teenagers... AHHHH BE EXCITED!!! I KNOW I AM!!!

Anywho, I'll update with the next chapter as soon as it's ready :)

I Adopted One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora