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I honestly love getting positive feedback from everybody, and it puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

I'm sorry for y'all to have to wait so long between uploads and I promise I will try to update more often.

ADVERTISING MOMENT: if you love this story, try checking out all of my other stories. There are other adoption stories where 1D adopts a girl and other realistic fiction stories. A few Harry Potter ones, and a few fantasy ones. There should be a few 5SOS fanfics coming in the future. Just keep checking because inspiration only strikes at the perfect moments. ;)

Feel free to tell me any ideas for a part in this story you have ( it might help with faster uploads and I WILL give credit to you if I do decide to use the little prompt. :) )

I hope y'all love the story and have a nice day!

I Adopted One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora