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So my last day of school is May 29th.

That means on May 30th I will have a lot more free time.

This story will be updated A LOT.

But not every second can be spent on a screen because... It is summer.

I'm going to be completely re-doing my room, going to drama camp for four days a week for four weeks, working on a stupid summer packet for math, reading books I want to read, and most of all... Having fun... Or at least attempting too. And there is a possibility I will start guitar lessons.

But I will still work on this story as much as possible. I'm working on a chapter right now and I need some people's opinions. We all know Zayn kinda left to go in a different direction.

Do you want me to get Zayn out of the story or keep him in it???

I mean, there is a lot of good ways the story could continue with or without him but I don't want to give my ideas away just yet.

So please comment and let me know, and if I don't hear back by June 3rd, I'm going to do what I think is best and I hope you'll still like it. :) thnx (:

I Adopted One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora