I'm Sorry...

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I know I haven't updated in about 3 months now, and I'm sorry. I've been at school and a lot of stuff to do. I have not had time to finish the next chapter, but it should be updated by January. I can give as many excuses as I want, like I was too tired, I had homework, writer's block, I was sick, and although all of that was part of it. I will admit that I've been pretty lazy lately BUT THAT WILL CHANGE!!! Thank you for being so patient while waiting almost 3 months for another chapter. I appreciate all of the positive feedback and I honestly did not think that this story would be considered worth reading but apparently it must've been a pretty decent idea. Once again, thank you for waiting, the next chapter should be out in December sometime, and that's it...

Bye! ;)

I Adopted One DirectionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora