Welcome students

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As the students walked in you began to feel nervous for some reason. It took a while for all the students to get settled but when they finally did professor Dovey started her speech.

"Welcome, first-year students! I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good." She said.

"Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers! Evers!" The students started to chant.

"And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil." Lady Lesso said.

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!" The other students yelled.

"This year we have a new teacher here, this is miss y/n. She'll be giving dance classes and will be my assistant, if you ever have a problem you can go to her and she'll try and help. And now as per tradition, the winning school from last year...Us again. Imagine that! ...will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents." Dovey said happily. "Hmm. Imagine." Lesso muttered. "Gentlemen!" She called.

Suddenly boys came marching in and started to fight each other gracefully. Then you heard a whistle and looked for the source. You saw a boy who came swinging down and took on the other boys. After they were done, a never challenged the boy.

"Oh, come on." You heard Dovey say. "If we're gonna do this, we might as well do it right." Lesso responded.

The cyclops grabbed the axe that the guard was holding and began fighting the boy. It was clear he wasn't going to win when suddenly his axe caught fire.
You heard professor Dovey huff and she said "Really?" "I know. How evil of me." Lady Lesso teased. You could practically hear the smirk as she said that. The cyclops ended up loosing and it was quite painful to watch.

"Dammit." The redhead said quietly. You looked back at the scene and saw the cyclops being carried away.

"Oh, how good of you to lose again." Your mentor giggled. Then she clapped loudly. "Bravo! Bravo! A heroic display!" She said. Professor Dovey continued her welcome speech. "In these two schools, we will take away any confusion and make your souls as pure as possible. Pure Good." She announced.

"Or pure evil." Lady Lesso interfered. She looked at her students who smiled evilly.

"Future heroes and villains, you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between Good and Evil. For if that balance is ever compromised..." Dovey said, but was suddenly cut of when a man appeared.

"I don't think we need to get into that just now with our new friends, do we? It's such a happy first day. Let's not be downers, hm? Besides, I'm sure this new class will perform exceptionally well. And like your parents before you, you are all here because the world of story needs great heroes and villains to teach the people of the outside world to make choices to find their way. So, obey the rules, study hard, and remember, the Storian only chooses the very best of our students for their own adventure. As for you y/n, I'm happy you decided to join us. I'm sure you'll make an amazing addition to the school." The school master said. You stunned. And a bit scared. Then he disappeared again.

Lady Lesso cleared her throat. "Alright go on, back to your rooms. Your first day starts tomorrow!" She announced. Then she walked off and you couldn't help but watch her. Eventually you and Dovey went to your rooms as well. You lay in bed but couldn't fall asleep. You decided that to go outside for a little while, maybe fresh air would help you fall asleep. As you were walking you found a quiet place with a beautiful view. You sat down and just looked at the view. You became lost in the beauty of the nature, you didn't know how long you sat there.

"Don't princesses need their beauty sleep?" You heard a teasing voice behind you. You shot up, almost falling down again but someone was able to steady you just in time. You looked up and saw a set of beautiful green eyes look at you. "You alright?" She asked.

"Hm oh yea, I'm okay." You replied nervously. "What are you doing here if I might ask?" You asked unsure.

"Just walking around. Then I saw you, you looked quite lost in your thoughts." The redhead said.

"I was just looking at the view. It's very beautiful." You said softly looking back at the view.

"I see something more beautiful than the view." She said. You look up surprised.

"Really what is it?" You asked clueless. She chuckled as you looked around trying o find the thing she was talking about. When you heard her chuckle you looked back at her confused.

"I don't think you'll find it." She replied teasingly.

"Well why not?" You questioned her confused.

"Because you can't see it without..." Her finger glowed and suddenly she was holding a small mirror. "This." She said, giving it to. You looked into it confused. "You see it?" She asked.

"Well I see myself." You said. Then something clicked and you looked up at her. "You think I'm beautiful." You asked her.

"Hmm wel yes. Every human with a set of decent eyes would think so." She replies nonchalantly. You smiled.

"Well lady Lesso, thank you. You look very beautiful as well." You giggled.

"Now don't you dare tell this to Clarissa, princess. She'll never let that go." She warned. You shook your head.

"I'm not a princess you know." You said. She looked at you, her cheeks turning the lightest shade of pink.

"To me you are. You're more beautiful than any other princess I've ever seen." She said. Now it was your turn to blush. "Oh did I make the princess blush?" She teased. She laughed, you loved hearing that sound. You couldn't explain why but you felt drawn to her for some reason. "Well I suppose you better get back to your room." She said, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"I suppose so." You replied. You didn't want this to end. You enjoyed her company. Goodnight then." You said.

"Goodnight, princess." She answered. You looked her in the eyes.

"Will you stop calling me princess?" You asked her. She smiled at you.

"Never." And with that she walked away, back to her school. You did the same. You went to your room and finally let sleep take over.

Princess  (Lady Lesso x y/n) Where stories live. Discover now