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It's now a year later. You and Lesso are happily married and have a beautiful little family. Amelia is doing really well in school. Today you woke up to Lesso planting kisses all over your face and bringing you breakfast in bed.

"Happy birthday my beautiful princess." She whispered against your ear. Your lips curled into a smile. Before you could reply Amelia ran inside and jumped on the bed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" She scream and then hugged you. You were barely able to catch her seeing as she literally jumped into your arms.

"Thank you my loves, I really appreciate all of this." You laughed. You planted a kiss on Amelia's forehead. The three of you enjoyed breakfast, Lesso and Amelia would sneak a bite here and there but you didn't mind. You loved these two to pieces.

A while later you and Lesso were taking a walk, she said that she had a surprise but you had no clue as to what it could be. Out of nowhere the whole school jumped from their hiding spots.

"Happy birthday mrs y/n!" Everyone yelled. There were a lot of people, you thought every student and teacher from both good and evil were here. In this last year you had given a few classes to the students for evil, mostly just with Lesso by your side. You smiled and thanked them all. Two large cakes was being carried to you.

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This could only be the work of your beloved wife

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This could only be the work of your beloved wife. You looked over to her and saw her looking back with her signeture grin. You blew out your candles and now it was time to cut the cake. Seeing as the cake was so big, everyone was able to have a goodsized piece. After everyone ate Lesso took you back to the side for evil, specifically to her bedroom well yours now too. On the bed was a huge box, you looked at Lesso and she mentioned for you to open it. You did and inside was a beautiful gown.

"Nora this is too much

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"Nora this is too much." You said. She shook her head.

"Nonsense, nothing will ever be enough for my princess. Besides that dress will look so much prettier when it's on you, not to mention that this is only the beginning." she said nonchenantly.

"Okay what do you mean 'this is only the beginning?'" You were beyond confused.

"What I mean my love is that I want you to wear this dress to our date tonight." She said.

"Hmm a date huh? and what will we be doing on this date?" you asked teasingly. It was rare for Lesso to just ask you on a date when you didn't ask for it.

"It's a surprise sweetheart." She laughed. You were about to complain when she shut you up as she kissed you. "You should go get ready, you only have a few hours. I'll pick you up at five." She said before walking out of the room.

It was now 5 minutes before five and you were waiting for Lesso to pick you up. You waited and waited but she never showed up. It was now almost seven and you had tears running down your face. You changed into your pajamas and just lay in bed crying. The next morning you went down to get breakfast. Your eyes were red and swollen and you didn't bother putting on any makeup. You got something to eat and sat down next to Dovey.

"You look like shit." She said. That was the first time you had ever heard her curse.

"Thanks." You replied sarcastically. You heard her sigh.

"What happened y/n?" That question didn't come as a surprise to you.

"She stood me up." You said frustrated. You saw the confused look on her face. "Lesso. She told me to she'd pick me up for a date but she never showed up." You cleared bitterly. "Do you know where she is?" You asked. Event though you were mad, you still wanted to know where your wife was.

"No I haven't seen her since yesterday, at the surprise party." She replied. You were getting anxious. You decided to check her room but to your surprise she wasn't there. You tried her office but she wasn't there either. You searched the whole school but she was nowhere to be found. By now you were running through the halls when you bumped into Dovey.

"Oh y/n, I'm sorr- are you okay." Her expression changed when she saw your face. You had tears stains on your cheeks and you were breathing heavily.

"N-no I don't where Nora is and she's not in her room, not in her office, not anywhere. And now I can't find her and I'm not sure if this is a sick joke or she's really in trouble and and-." You were unable to say anything more.

"Okay first of all, you need to breath. I know this scary but well find her. Secondly, I don't think she'd take a joke this far. Lesso is cruel but not this cruel. Let's go to my office, I'll try a spell and we'll see if that works." She explained. You nodded your head, still focusing on breathing. She led you to her office. "I think I have a book here somewhere with different search spells." She said while looking in some cabinets. "Aha here it is. Okay give me a minute, I already have the perfect spell in mind." She turned the pages, occasionally muttering something to herself. A smile formed on her face as she looked at a particular page. "Now let's find your wife. Do you have something of hers?" You did in fact have something.

"Yeah, just let me go get it." With that you hurried to your room to get one of her many shirts. You ran back and gave it to her. She smiled at you and began casting the spell. The shirt lifted into the air and played a memory. You saw Lesso walking down the hall, when she rounded a corner a dagger was pressed to her throat and a hand was being placed over her mouth. A hooded figure emerged from the shadows and whispered something in her ear before they teleport away. You fell to your knees, sobbing and breathing heavy. You had been so mad at her when she 'ghosted' you. But now it was clear that she actually got kidnapped. You felt so guilty for ever being mad. Clarissa sunk down next to you and hugged you close, trying to calm you down. That's the last thing you remember before you're vision went black.

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