6|Men Are Easy|

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I follow Mando down the mountain and through a wooded area to a settlement. I barely notice the cold in these clothes. He instructed me to remain quiet, so no small talk. But, when we finally come upon the settlement, Mando speaks up.

"Alright, there's a lodge down that road. We go in, get a drink, mingle around. See if we can find out anything about any Jedi movement without being obvious," he instructs. I remain quiet. He looks to me to see if I understood. I nod.

"If anything happens and you need to get out of there, the code word is bacta," he says. I nod again and he starts walking toward the lodge. I follow. 

This town is quite grimy. The ground is made of this dark blue sand, and the buildings are all the same brownish blue color. There looks to be either a lot of homeless people, or a lot drunk people sitting on the side of the road. I'm not sure which. Maybe both. 

Mando struts his way to the lodge confidently. I follow behind him, trying my best not to look like a lost puppy following its owner. A few vagrants jeer at us, begging for food and money. They must be homeless.

We get up to the door of the lodge. It looks dirty and dusty, like it hasn't been wiped down once since it was installed on the building. Mando turns the knob and steps inside. 

Inside, there are many round tables spread around the room, mostly filled with patrons. There is a large, long bar at the back of the room with many people sat at it. Two bartenders work the bar, serving as many people as quick as they could. I know that stress all too well.

The room is dimly lit with only a few sconces lining the walls. The wooden floor creaks as we step on it, and dust flies up with each step. There is a hologram playing what seems like news in the center of the room, speaking in a language I'm not familiar with. There are many species in here I am also unfamiliar with.

When we enter the lodge, all heads turn toward us. Mando's armor reflects the small amount of light that hits us, drawing attention. Conversations comes to a lull. Everyone looks like they've seen a ghost.

Mando brushes off the attention and saunters nonchalantly to an empty table near the edge of the room. I stay as close as I can behind him. He pulls two chairs out from beneath and takes a seat. I copy him.

"Alright, well let's get to business," I whisper to him. I stand back up, ready to go get a drink. Mando pulls me back down into my seat and leans toward me.

"Everyone in here has a weapon," he whispers to me. My eyes open wide as I sink into my seat.

"So, don't," he pauses between each word, emphasizing each syllable, "make it. obvious." 

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Helmet has scanners. Mostly blasters." 

"And all I have is a fucking dagger..." I trail off, sounding as pissed off as I can. I stand up once more, ready to get a drink. "Do you want anything?"


I walk away from the table slowly toward the bar. There are several large men sat at the bar, all engaged in conversation. Some are humanoid, but some are a breed I've never seen before. I walk up to an empty spot and tap the bar twice.

A bartender comes up, "What can I get you?" he says in the common tongue.

"You got any good prow?" I ask.

"The best in the galaxy," he responds in a gravely, hoarse voice. 

"I'll take one on the rocks," I request. 

The bartender turns around and places one large ice cube in a glass. Then, he goes over to grab a large bottle filled with a blue liquid. He pours the liquor over the ice and brings it back to me. 

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