10|On Your Toes|

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The sunlight warms my skin gently as I regain consciousness. The humidity coats my skin in a clammy film. My eyes open slowly, trying to avoid direct sunlight contact.

my head hurts

I have no idea where I am. My eyes move around to observe my surroundings. It looks like I'm in a tent? I don't remember a thing. The door to the tent is openly slightly, swaying in the breeze. Out the door I see a large body of water. It's pink.

I'm on Teth

My memory is returning ever so vaguely. I remember the pink water, the pink sand, the lush forests. I sit up slightly, removing the thin blanket from my body. It's quite hot today.

I need water

I fully sit up, and whoa, the world is spinning. My vision goes blurry and dark for a second but dissipates quickly. My eyes blink several times, as if that would help. I roll onto my knees and crawl out the small tent.

I look left and right. This beach is so gorgeous: something you could only dream of. The sunlight burns my eyes, but I can't look away from my environment. I get to my feet and take a more thorough survey of the area.

Mando isn't here

I turn and walk toward the ship which is thankfully in the shade up by the tree line. It really isn't that hot out, but the damn humidity makes it feel so much worse. I'm already sweating.

I peer into the forest. The amount of shiny greenery in this forest is astounding. I didn't appreciate it enough yesterday. It's like a painting you'd find in some rich Empire General's mansion. Breathtaking. 

I hear rustling to the left. I jerk my head in that direction and remember the river that's over there. Memories of my trip to the river flash through my mind and my cheeks go red with embarrassment. 

And then, I spot him.

My tall shiny-headed companion is deep in the woods... hitting a tree? I rub my eyes to get a better look. Mando is all the way out there punching a tree. What the hell is he doing?

Then, he's turning and sprinting to a different tree a couple dozen feet away from him. He punches that one fifteen times, then turns and sprints to the first tree. Oh, he's training. He repeats his routine many times without stopping to take a breath once. 

After maybe twelve more rounds of it, he finally stops to take a break. He puts his hands on his knees and hunches over to catch his breath. He takes a few seconds, then stands all the way up, facing me. When his eyes fall on me, it looks like he jumps a little. His body goes rigid before he realizes it's just me.

Payback for him watching me in the woods at him when I was training.

"You're up," he calls to me from several dozen meters away. I nod my head to acknowledge him. He takes the opportunity to start his walk back to our little camp. He's wearing the same thing he was wearing yesterday: just his brown under-armor clothes and his helmet. No body armor on.

I turn my attention back to the ship to find something to drink. My tongue is so dry it feels like sandpaper coated in flour and set on the sun to bake for nine years. I climb up onto the ship and rummage through everything to find any canteen with any liquid in it.

"Here," Mando, now next to the ship, says. I turn around to look at him. He's holding a full canteen of water out for me to grab.

"Thanks," I say as I take it from him. I feel like I've been stranded on Tatooine for a year. I drink the water like a feral animal. I have never tasted more crisp, refreshing water in my life.

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