19┊The Gorg┊

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I've barely fallen asleep before my eyes open back up at the call of my name. 

"Who's that?" Din asks, pointing out the window of the hatch up into the dark sky. I lean up to get a better view, but I'm staring straight into the dark void of the night sky.


"Him," he says. I rub my eyes and blink a few times to get a better view. Still nothing.

"I don't see anyone, Din."

"The flying gorg in the sky."

My face squishes together in confusion. Gorgs don't fly. And they aren't native to Nevarro. And I don't see anything in the sky at all.

"What are you talking about?"

"What's his name?"



"Are you okay?"

"I feel great."

"There's no gorg in the sky."

"I think his name is Rinko."

I sit up fully, now concerned. I reverse my body, putting my feet where my head normally goes and crawl over to look at him. I stick my head over top of his, looking into the visor. He lays completely still coated in a thick, wet layer of sweat staring straight up into the sky. 

"Wow," he says with a cutesy-wonderous tone.

"Why are you acting so strange?" I ask him.

"Why are you acting so strange?" he asks me.

I'm not sure how to respond. I'm so confused. There are no more words left in my vocabulary to use to try to communicate with him.

Is he dreaming? In my experience, he only mumbles while sleeping. He's making full sentences and speaking directly to me.

I scrunch my eyebrows together to think harder. Last thing we did was fix each other up. Then I gave him some medicine. Then- wait.


Did I give him too much? Is he hallucinating? Is he high on bacta?!

There's no way...

"Din," I address him.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Tell me what you see right now."

"I told you, there's a gorg in the sky doing circles! Right there!" he lifts his hand to point at the dark sky.

"Mhm, okay. Now tell me what you feel. How's your wound feeling?"

"Can't even feel it anymore!"

"What about your feet? Or your hands?"



"They feel fuzzy but almost like they're not there anymore."

He's got to be having some kind of reaction to the bacta. I must have given him way more than I should have. He seems like he'll be fine; hopefully it doesn't evolve into a dangerous reaction to the bacta. Although, this is pretty entertaining.

I move back over into my seat in the ship and settle back down into a comfortable position. I might as well try to get some rest so I can deal with him when the sun comes back up. I toss my cloak back over me where it was before and snuggle in.

"I feel funny," he says.

"What do you mean, Din?"

"I just feel strange."

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