Mystical City

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Hello lovelies,

I hope you all are doing great.

I know all you are eager to know what will happen to them ?

So please enjoy reading and vote my story guys.

"Finally we are here" veena said loudly. They all come out from the car and start streching themselves because of their long journey. Shiv signal all of them to come. They all start following them. They all entered in local groceries shop where a old man is sitting and looking at them with a sharp eyes. He knows that human is arrived in their city.
" Sir, we are a tourist here. Is there any place for us to stay" advik asked. That old man smrick which make all of them confused.
" Yes there is. You can take right and you find the hotel there" a old man said.
" Thank you" shiv said and old man nodded in smrick.
"He is weird and scary " veena said.
"Yes he is" advik also said. While shivanaya felt  that something is going to be happen. They all sat in car and they drove to the direction where the old man told them when they reached there. All of them jaw dropped this place is so beautiful. This village is so pretty. Their is big fountain and people and kids are roaming happily while shop are all well built. There is a big garden where is people are training.
" This place is just wow guys" veena said while looking around.
" I never thought that village can be that beautifuly developed" shiv said.
"Yeah it is like we are in a disney movie" advik said. While shivanaya looked around and found that this place is looking very familiar. Suddenly she see
"A girl is running while laughing and  tall man is trying to catch her"
she closed her eyes and again open it. What i saw just now ?? She looked around and find that now people are looking at them some are smricking some are looking at them like they are hungry. Then her eyes looked at a big beautiful masion which looked familiar to her. They all are so lost in admiring the place that  some people is coming with a  iron handcuffs in their hand.
" Guys see there " veena said when she looked her right side and they all looked at the people who are wearing a uniform and they are coming with handcuffs. They all scared looking at the pale skin of guard and there eyes colour is also blue weirdly red making them beautiful but same time scary.
" Who are you " one guard come and asked in anger.
" We are tourist sir" shiv said confidently.
" This place is forbidden for any tourist" a man said make their jaw dropped.
" Sorry sir, we can go back" advik said. Guard  looked at him and smricked.
"If you come  here once then you can't go back again" guard said and make them all pale.
"Actually we lost our track and we come in your village by mistake Please let us go" shivanaya said and guard looked at her and nodded.
" You have to take the permission from our king" guard said and they become relaxed that there is a chances that they can go back to their home.
" Follow us" guard ordered and they start following them.
"When you meet our king  your eyes should be down otherwise king will kill you" a guard instructed them making them looked at each other in horror.
"Where did we get ourself stuck" veena whisper. All guard smricked.
"You will all addressed them mylord or king" guard instructed again. They all are so scared that they not even looked around where some people looking at them with smricked or some are giving sympathy looked . They all forget that couple of minutes earlier they all are praising the beauty of this village but now their face looked like they  lost all colour looking pale and anxiety is clearly visible of their face.They reached in mansion the mansion is so big and beautiful like a disney movies . Guard are there on entrance and  some are standing in attention postion while some are walking with a guns on their hands when they entered in mansion. This felt like they come in ancient place when the king are ruling the countries. They are scared of what will happen next. Shivanya felt like she saw this somewhere but where ? She don't know. Her heat is beating fast maybe because of fear or something else.
"Wait here" guard order. Then he left while other guard are still there watching them.
"Because of you we struck here advik" veena blamed.
"I don't know that this place is forbidden" advik defend himself.
" If you not force us then we will be enjoying somewhere" shiv said.
" Don't blame me only ,Shivanya  also said yes and  she is the one who  convence you then only you come here. If you wanted to blame me only than it is not fair" advik said.
" Guys please stop blaming each other. We will talked to the king and we beg him to let us go back." Shivanya said.

Prithvi is sitting on his thorne and discusing  something with other vampire just  when one guard interrupted them. Prithvi looked at him in anger he never liked when someone distrued him when he doing something important.
" Mylord sorry to disturb you
some human by mistake entered in our city" one of the guard said with his head down. The king looked at him with  more anger "Present them here" king said with his cold voice.
" yes mylord" guard said and left.

" Today discussion is over we will continue this next day" prithvi said.
" Yes my king " vampire said with there eyes down and left.
"Mylord please control your anger when you meet them" ranvijay made him understand.
Prithvi looked at him in anger when he heard  many voices.

Shiv is about to agrue but stopped. " Follow us and you know the instructions keep that in mind" guard said. They all start following them.
" Yrr bhai i am scared"  advik said.
"And we are enjoying" veena replied with sacram. While due to vampire hearing power the prithivi and also ranvijay can hear them. When ranvijay heard the girl voice, his heart which he never felt is there inside before is beating fast.
" I think after waiting of 100 year i am about to meet my mate" ranvijay said and prithvi looked at him quickly.
" Are you sure" prithvi asked.
" Yes her voice is so sweet i am loving her voice" ranvijay said and waiting for his mate to show.

" Shut up you both" shiv yelled at them.
" We are in trouble veena you and advik is fighting" shiv yelled again. By this both prithvi and ranvijay heard that girl name is veena.
" Don't  shout in my ears shiv" Shivanya complaint just when prithvi stood from his seat. His heart which is yearning for a this sweet voice from 100 year is here .
" Ranvijay did you heard that voice" prithvi asked.
" Yes mylord" ranvijay said even he shocked to heard this voice.
Prithvi eye get moist and his heart which stopped beating from 100 year ago is again start beating fastly.
"Is she is your light" ranvijay said absently. Prithvi looked at him in annoyance. This time he is not angry even his heart also wanted that this girl would be his light which make his life colourful again.
Just when they both saw a group of human coming with there head down. There is 2 boy and 2 girls one is wearing a peach colour top and short while other wore a light pink colour kurta and white pant. Prithvi and ranvijay not able to see there faces because they all are looking down.
"Ask them to show their face king" ranvijay said.
" Show your face" prithvi said with his deep commanding voice which made shiver to them in fear. While shivanaya is somewhere felt that his voice is familiar but where ?? His voice is deep and beautiful.  What even i am thinking??? What is happening to my mind??? How can i say this ?? His voice is not even a beautiful it is more like a dangerous voice i  heard.  I am too afraid to show them my face. Why they are asking us to show them our face? Don't they instructed us that keep your eyes down when you meet king ? Now what happened to king that he is asking us to show our face. Bro we just wanted to go home why you wanted us to show our face ???? Shivanya thought.
3 of them up there face that both prithvi and ranvijay can see. When ranvijay see the face of veena he somewhere knew  she his mate. Veena is curious to see the king and when she looked at king her mind becomes blank he is so handsome then her eyes went on dark brown eyes who is looking at her instensly veena heart skipped the beat. While ranvijay heart beat more faster than before. Her eyes is light brown and slim cheek and plump lips which is painted in red. Ranvijay keep looking at her with intensity while veena is now shocked to see the handsome man who's skin is pale and his dark brown eye is so beautiful and he have straight nose and not to forget his thin red lips is making him looked hot and handsome. Ranvijay confirm that veena is her mate.

Hy guys ❤️

Hows the chapter i know you people also wanted to know the reaction of king and shivanaya but you guys have to wait for next chapter.

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