Why Again????

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Good to see you, my man, it's been a long time," Vikram said and hugged Ranvijay. 

"Yes, my lord. I met my mate " Ranvijay said with a smile. 

"wow!!!!! Lucky man" Umang said. 

"You didn't tell us anything about her!??? " Priya complained. 

"where is she ???? "Janvi asked. 

"stop!!!! Let him speak first " Prithvi said. 

"Thanks, buddy," Ranvijay said and took a seat.

"So?" Priya asked she was eager to hear  their love story 

"Well, her name is Veena and she is beautiful, innocent, smart, and everything I could ever ask for. Ranvijay said with a wide smile on his face. He saw Prithvi giving him a look, his smile faded and he decided not to hide the truth.

" And She is human, she is  Shivanya's friend," Ranvijay said and everyone gasped. 

"What?????? " Janvi asked. 

"Why is this happening to both of you? It's unbelievable " Umang asked. 

"Does Veena know the truth? Does she know about you ?" Priya asked. 

"Yes, when I told her she was dumbfounded and hella scared but eventually she started accepting me, " Ranvjiay said. 

"We have to talk to our Guru ji," Vikram said. 

"Someone murdered him, it's been about 50 years," Prithvi said 

"Remember the astrologer who predicted about you, Prithvi?" Ranvijay asked 

"What about him ??"Prithvi asked 

"You haven't killed him yet have you ?" Ranvijay asked. 

"I sent the guards but he escaped," Prithvi answered, fisting his hand in anger.

Ranvijay took a deep breath of relief 

Ranvinay told everyone how an astrologer predicted the future of Prithvi and Shivanya and how it was partially true. 

"Why are you thinking about that Ranvijay ??Do you want to go see him ??!! huh Shivanya's consciousness taunts 

"Yeah I shouldn't, he is the one who insults me and makes me feel miserable about myself," Shivanya agrees while pacing in her room.  

"But wait!!!!! I should ask Prthvii about Veena. His friend told me that he is her mate then maybe Veena is with him or someone else kidnapped her. He will know if something happened to her and where she is. I have to talk to Prithvi.

Prithvi is drinking wine and looking at the moon he knows his Anya is just sleeping next door but he can't go to her he has to control himself. He can hear Shivanya pacing around the room. He knows that he can't take the risk again; he wants to make her a vampire soon. 

The next day, Shivanya waited for the maid to call her for breakfast but Priya entered the room with a warm smile.

"Good Morning Shivanya.Can I ask you something if you don't mind '" Priya asks politely and Shivanya nodded"Yeah sure " She sat on the bed and looked at Shivanya. 

"Do you believe in love ??" she asked. 

"Well that came out of nowhere but to answer your question no not really, "Shivanya said and looked away. 

"Why ???" Priya asked and Shivanya looked at her. 

"I don't believe in love, I believe in understanding, respecting, and being there for each other. Without all this, just plain love won't take you anywhere " Shivanya said Priya looked at Shivanya a little shocked but everything she said made sense 

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