Stupid Wife !!!!

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I know I take a long time to update but what to do I was busy in my work that I don't get time to update. 

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"You can't say my love is fake for you and dare you say my wife a stupid!!!!" he yelled at her, making her scared.  She already doesn't want this to be her reality while he keeps yelling, seeing her scared Prithvi control his anger and put his cold hand on her cheeks she looked at him with her moist eyes. 

" What do you want me to do???? Just because I am a vampire you can't reject my love for you!!!!! Don't you remember anything, Anya? Not my love for you? Because of you, I am becoming like this!!!! A bloody monster!! " he said in his helpless voice. She took a deep breath and said "No!!!! I don't remember anything. Just leave me,I am not your mate it is just because of my face you think that way!!!!! Do you forget how you treated me when I put on that ugly makeup???? You put me in dungeons you forget? She said, angry. 

"Anya!!!!! Please don't say that!!!!! I don't know if it was you!!!!! " He was cut off ." Ohh so it is clear that you think I am your mate because of this face right???? " she asked and stood up and started searching for something. Prithvi is confused about what she is searching for?

"What are you looking for?" he asked. She looked at him and said" Searching to ruin my face at least you will leave me alone or at least kill me "

Prithvi was shocked to see her anger. 

"what??? Are you ready to ruin your face to get away from me???" he asked. 

"yes!!!!! I can't live with the monster who kills innocent people. I hate you!!!!! Did you hear I hate you!!!!!! " she said loudly in anger. Prithvi felt like someone stabbed his heart in multiple pieces. 100 years of his life he has been living for his love now his love is telling him to leave her alone and make him break down. His eyes got moist and hurt. He felt like all his life he felt unloved but always his heart said that someday love will come in my life. Shivanya who stop searching for something because there is no yelling come on her way she look at him and find him looking at her with moist eyes she can see how vulnerable he is right now making her heart stabbed looking at his eyes which showing how broken he is and how much sad he is, his eyes are showing love and yearning for the love. She felt bad to do this to him. She closed her eyes and again opened them to look into his eye.she can't see him like that. Maybe he is a monster but the look and his eyes showing right now are melting her heart, she wanted to comfort him and wanted to say that she did not mean to. She too wanted to comfort herself in his arms. She won't know what is right or wrong but right now she wants comfort which she knows she will get from him. She ran toward him and hugged him and started crying. She felt safe and at home. While Prithvi is shocked to find her in his arms crying miserably. He smiles while his tears are flowing from his eyes and he hugged her. The feeling is like he is waiting for many years. "shh!!!! Anya… Don't cry!!!!" he said and Shivanya tried to stop her cry. "My head is in pain, " she said and Prithvi is still hugging her and making her lay on the bed. They both don't know when sleep took over in this position . 

They don't know that one man is looking at them with a smile. Is none other than Vikram. He is the one who asks the servant to show Shivanya that room. Last time he made a mistake while not accepting Shivanya; he didn't want to again create the same history.

He doesn't know that Shivanya will change that much this time but hopes she starts accepting us with that hope he walks away. Making Prithvi open his eyes, he knows his father is behind shivanya knowing the secret . He is not the same Prithvi, he changed. He again looks at Shivanya who is sleeping in his arms like they used to sleep. He smiles and kisses her forehead and again goes to sleep. Maybe he will get some sleep tonight. 

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