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"Abhay she will meet you when she will return don't worry," Asha said
"Aunty, please. Tell her to talk to me whenever she calls you again" Abhay said and Asha said yes and disconnect the call.
"Asha I am telling you I don't like him. You know how was his father a womanizer."  Krishna said.
"yeah, I know that's why I am not forcing Shiva. We will find a good man for our daughter " Asha said.
Prince, you are here? I mean you can ask me I will come why you? Rakesh was cut off by Prithivi.
"I am here because of your daughter," Prithivi said.
"what she did???? I am sorrPrincece she will apologize to you!!! shivanya!!!!!! Shivanya!!!! Rakesh yells her name anShivnayaya comes and is shocked to find Prithvi there Prithvi is awestruck to see her in a white lehenga which is showing her bare waist and she put a dark kajal on her eyes which makes her appearance beautiful and her waist-length hair is half open making her look irresistible.
" apologize to prince now " Rakesh scolded her she furrowed her eyebrows and nodded.
"I am sorry, Shivanyaya said while looking down. Prithivi glare at Rakesh.
"you don't have to do that. Well, she is my mate." Prithivi said and Rakesh snapped his head in his direction in shock. Prince..." Rakesh did not know what to say or ask he looks at his daughter who is looking scared.
"I came here to let you know that," Prince said.
"But prince sorry!!! she may be your mate but I promise my friend that she will be his daughter-in-law," Rakesh said whispering while looking down.
"Who the hell are you to decide that she will marry someone else than me?????? "Prithvi yelled loudly making Shivanya fear more.
"I know but she is my daughter I will decide, " Rakesh said.
"Guards !!!!" Prithvi yelled then three guards come.
"lock him in dungeons "Prithvi orders them and Rakesh yell no!!!!!! He tried to fight them while Shivanya is crying badly and looking at his father trying hard to fight. She is about to help her father when Prithvi holds her hand which makes her look at him.
"you are mine. Whether you like it or not." Prithvi said while coming dangerously close to her.
"Please leave him. He needs time to understand please Shivanyaya said while crying which pain Prithvi.
"stop," Prithvi said still looking at her.
"I will give you 1 week time to process and accept this and I don't know what you have a problem with me ??" Prithvi asks.
"Because Shivanya's mother's last wish was that Shivanya will marry my friend's son, "Rakesh said.
"I don't care. She will marry me. " Prithvi said yelled and left.
Rakesh not said anything to his daughter and left.
In the following days, Prithvi start coming to see her when she was busy talking with Tara.
They both usually share everything and they are best friends. Shivanaya shares about the prince too. Tara has a special gift to see the future. She knows that Shivanya will marry a prince only.

After 1 week

"Papa, please don't do this... It will create a huge problem for you. " shivanya said. Rakesh looks at his daughter in anger.
"you know why I am doing this because of your mother's last wish. I love her for my whole life. If she asks me to do that I will do it even if the prince kills me" Rakesh said.
"papa... Please understand that if  Maaaa is there she wants me to marry my mate, not your friend's son who is not even my mate. She wants my happiness "Shivanyaa tried to understand her father.
"no..... I will not..." Rakesh said and left. Shivanya cried not knowing how long. She stood up from the floor and left for her room. She saw herself in the mirror looking at a broken girl who is in a mess. She does not know what to do on one side her mother and father's wish and another side is her mate which she always dreams of. If she chooses any one of them then she will lose one. In the evening Prithvi come to take her he already told his family about Shivanya they were all very happy to learn that but except for one person who wanted to kill Shivanyaa.

When Prithvi enters he finds that many goons are there who are guarding the house. Prithivi rolls his eyes in anger and orders his guard to kill all of them. They fought for 30 minutes while Prithvi is looking at them. All guards of Rakesh get a kill and 5 guards kill Prithvi. He enters and finds there is no one. He went upstairs to search for Shivanya. Shivanya is sleeping because of crying and she is hell-tired. Prithvi looks at her and smiles at her. He walks toward her and starts caressing her cheeks and hair.
All his anger melts and lay beside her. He moves her closer when Shivanya opens her eyes and screams looking at him in shock. Prithivi put his hand on her mouth and looked at her brown eyes.
"stop shivanya it's me," Prithivi said.
Shivanya nodded and blushed. She sat on the bed when Prithivi remove his hand from her mouth.
"you should not have to come, papa is still not ready to accept it." shivanya said.
"yeah, but it doesn't matter to me. You are my mate I come here to take you. " Prithvi said.
"no no no I will not come with you," Shivanya said and stood up in fear and nervousness.
Prithvi walked toward her and told her how her papa hire the goons vampire to kill him. Shivanya said no and then Prithivi dragged her outside and shows her the dead vampire. Shivanya gasps loudly and starts crying. she not understanding that her father can go to this level to stop Prithvi. Just when one guard comes.
"Prince, Rakash got arrested but your enemy king prince help him to run away from us" Shivanya's eyes got wide, and look at Prithivi who is looking at her in anger. He is angry with Rakesh for not Shivanya.
"now did you listen to that ???? Let go with me " Prithivi said and hold her hand and start dragging her. WhoThe whole Shivanya is thinking about his papa. How can he do that???? Her tear is not stopping making Prithvi feel bad for her but he can't do anything. They reached their castle. There his whole family is waiting for them. When they saw them they got shocked that Shivanya is crying.
" Shivanya meets my family. " Prithvi introduces his mother, sister, and brother. She gives them a small smile but Janvi and Priya hugged her. Shivanya is feeling so overwhelmed. She finds a motherly vibe in Janvi. Prithivi just stood there and watched them. Janvi told her room which is opposite Prithvi's room. 


This makes all maids and bodyguards look at Prithvi with wide eyes and jaws dropped. They never saw Prithvi laugh Which is making them shocked.
Shivanya's heart skipped a beat looking at Prithivi laughing. His laugh is so beautiful making his eyes small and his beautiful dimple is making him more beautiful.
"you look cute," Shivanya said and Prithivi stop laughing and look at her intensely.
They keep looking at each other while other maids and guards are looking at both of them in shock.
Shivanya looks away first and found everyone looking at them in shock.
"See even your people are shocked to see you laughing," Shivanya said with a smile and start eating her food as if nothing happen. While Prithvi looks around and finds them all staring at him in shock. He cleared his throat which make all of the start doing their work. Shivanya observes everything while eating her food.
" what the hell????? She is not my Anya she was always a timid girl and self-conscious about herself. But this girl sitting in front of me is not even a bit like her. Then who was in her place when she came to my mystical city with that ugly makeup? Did that time a ghost possessed her body????

" I am done let's go," Shivanya said and start walking to his cabin. Prithivu is shaking his head helplessly.
"I did it myself. I should not tell her that I am not a vampire king. Now she keeps on insulting me." Prithvi thought walking.
Shivanya sat and looked at Prithivi who is doing his work on a laptop and not even looking at her once. Prithivi feels her stare at him but he is pretending to be busy with work.
"what boring man you are Prithvi??? " shivanya said and relaxed in her seat and close her eyes in irritation. Prithvi looks at her in anger.
"what do you want me to do ??? Do a magic show to entertain you" Prithivi said. Shivanya open her eyes and smirked.
"What a great idea!!!!" she loudly said making Prithivi's head snap in her direction.
"so??? What magic do you do???" shivanya asks and jumps on the seat excitedly. Prithivi without blinking his eyes looked at her.
"Can you please remind me that you are an MD of Roy company?" Prithivi said and Shivanya rolled her eyes.
"get a life, Prithvi. Tell me you are not of any use to entertain me" Shivanya said.
"Just shut the fu*k up" Prithivi yelled loudly. Making her jump in her seat in fear and look at him. His eyes are about to turn red when Prithvi looks away. There is silence filled in the room for a couple of minutes no one said anything. Prithivi tried hard to control his anger by taking deep breaths.
"water !! you must take it otherwise your vocal cord snore." she forwards a glass of water to him and said. Prithvi looks at her and finds her serious and looking angry. She is not looking at him. Prithivi takes the glass and gulps it in one go.
"Now listen to me very carefully Mr. Prithvi Singaniya. I am living here without my consent and I am trying to not argue with you. Just trying to pass my time. If you have problems with me staying here then you are free to drop me off or tell me where this place is, I will leave you alone on this island" Shivanya said and Prithivi look at her in anger.
"you are not going anywhere," Prithivi said with gritted teeth. Shivanya without saying anything left. Prithvi closed his and called someone.
"Bring the blood," Prithivi said and cut the call.
Shivnaya is keep walking till she reaches the beach.
"arhhhhh!!!!!! This man !!!!! I will kill him if he does not stop being that annoying. " shivanya screamed and the guard who is far from her heard her say that and all of them looked at each other in shock. She sat there and tried to calm herself down.
"you have to bear him only for 4 days more and after you both will never meet" Shivanya kept repeating this to calm herself down.

Prithivi drinks 10 blood bags in 30 minutes when someone knocks he is pissed but he said to come in. One guard comes looking down.
"King, the guest is saying that she will kill you" Prithvi choked.
"what???? Did she tell this to someone" Prithivi asked?
"no !!! No my lord but she was yelling loudly we heard her say this to herself. " the guard said.
"you can go," Prithivi said.
"She does not know, what will I do to her if she is not my mate," Prithivi thought.  shivanya doesn't know when she sleeps on the land. Prithivi walk out and ask the maid about Shivnaya they told her she is on the beach.
Prithivi reached there and find her sleeping he felt at peace.
"I never thought your behavior will change to this extent," Prithivi thought sitting beside her.

How is the chapter guys????????

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