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" Wow, bhai!!! Is it our home???? It is looking fabulous" Umang said excitedly.
"Maa and you have to learn a lot of things about this generation," Priya said.
" By the way what you are wearing," Umang asked.
Priya wore a knee-length dress.  With spaghetti strips.
"None of your business," Priya said with irritation.
"Maa and Umang take a rest. I will call the servant for blood bags" Prithvi said and left because he get the call. Umaang and Janvi are confused about the bag and that thing in Prithivi's hands.
"I will teach you, everything guys," Priya said and start explaining to them.

"Roy companies are introducing their new CEO and managing director the day after tomorrow sir and you are invited," his vampire PA said.
"I will not attend that party as you know I never do any physical appearance," Prithiv said and start discussing the business.

Next Day

Roy's family is performing a grand pooja for Shivanaya well being.
After Pooja completed the priest said to Shivanaya "Dear, the pooja I done is protect you from all evil eyes. But as I saw your Kundali still has challenges to face. After that challenge, if you win then you will have a great life ahead but if you give up then be prepared for the worst circumstances in your life ahead."
" What circumstances you are talking about," shivanaya asked. Preist laughed.
" Well, the circumference is about marriage. If you choose your life partner by your mind then he will die as your heart-chosen partner. If you choose your heart-chosen Partner then don't repeat the history of your last life" the priest said  Shivanya blankly staring at the priest.
"How will I know about my past," shivanaya asked.
"You already met that person who will tell you about your past," the priest said making her again confused. Her thought stopped on that handsome king who is somewhere looked familiar to her. " But he is a vampire king," her mind said.
" Shivanya goes and meets your friends," Abhimaan said with a smirk. She turns around and finds that her friends are looking at her with their jaws dropped and wide eyes. She glares at her elder brother.

" Hello guys, I am sorry please forgive me," Shivanaya said when she stood with them.
" I can't believe that ???? How ??? When ???? Oh my god!!!!" Veena yelled loudly.
" How can you shivanaya??? Shiv asked her in shock.
" Wow, you look beautiful opposite of your previous personality," advik said and Abhimaan laughed at them.
"Thanks, advik. I am sorry actually due to Papa's enemy and the astrologist said to him to hide my face from the world till I turn 24 " Shivanaya said and looked at them in hope.
"Doesn't matter to me but girl you are looking very beautiful," Veena said and hugged her. Shivanya smiled and patted Veena's back with a smile.
" What a birthday surprise you gave us shivi," Shiv said and start clapping with a smile on his face.
" I like your surprise," advik said and join Veena and Shivanaya in hugging.
"What are you waiting for," shivanaya asked Shiv. He smile and joined their hug.

Prithvi is busy with his work and from time to time his thought went on that crying girl Shivanya and his Anya. Janvi and Umang are learning new gadgets with the help of Priya and Ranvijay.

Shivanya and her friends celebrated her birthday in an orphanage and then they went with them to a 5-star hotel. She spent her day with her friends and orphan child.

Next day

Shivanya wore a red gown her waist-length hair is straight and flowing in the air. She applied simple and light makeup. Her red lipstick makes her look hot and beautiful.
She is in a room and she waiting for anyone to come and asked her to come out. After waiting for 10 minutes.
"Let's go," Abhimaan said and closed the door without waiting for her reply.
He seems super busy shivanaya thought.
She walked toward where her father will introduce her to the world. While all man is staring at her to make her girlfriend or some are looking at her in lust, she ignored them. She saw her family talking to people with happy faces.
"Meet my beautiful daughter Shivanaya Roy" Krishan introduced her to his investor when she get closer to them. They all do handshakes with professional smiles.
Krishan goes to the stage and takes the mic.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," Krishan said this made the crowd looks at him.
"I have an announcement to make guys. As you people know that it is time for my retirement as I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my wife without the tension of company" Krishan said and laughed. While the crowd also laughs with him.
"So I want to present the managing director. My intelligent daughter Shivanaya Roy" Krishan announced and the crowd claps. Shivanya walks toward the stage with a smile. Krishan looked at Shivanaya with pride and give her a mic.
"Good evening guys, I am Shivanaya Roy, and as my father already announced I am the new managing director of Roy Companies," Shivanaya said loud claps were heard and many photos are taken while she is introducing herself.
"The new CEO of the company is my hardworking son, Abhiman Roy," Krishan said and the Abhiman walked toward the stage with a small smile and confidence on his face. Abhimaan also introduced himself.
"Please enjoy the party," Abhiman said to the crowd. 

Many Investors came and congrats her. Shivanya's friends come and hugged and congratulated her. The night went like this only for Roy's family.

This morning is a new beginning for Shivanaya as she goes to Roy's company as a managing director, not as the daughter of the CEO. After breakfast with her family both Abhiman and Shivanaya went for company.
Days start passing with a lot of work, experience, and overwhelming feelings for Sanjana.

Prithvi is getting tense about his father's curse. Rubina did a spell again but that spell need more power. So Rubina told Prithvi to wait for 2 months more so she can restore the power. While Janvi Umang almost learns everything about this century.

1 month later

"Shivanya please beta at least meet him and then decide," Asha said to her daughter.
" Why are you keep pestering about this boy mumma??? I am not ready for marriage" Shivanaya said and start doing her work.
"Please for me," Asha said.
"No," Shivanaya said.
"Just for my sake please," Asha said.
" Okay fine," Shivanaya said because her mother is keep pestering her for 1week.
"Evening at 7," Asha said and left the place. While shivanaya shakes her head in disbelief.

"They will about to come," Asha said to Shivanaya they both are waiting for that boy and his mother to come.
Just when a good-looking man comes with one old woman.
When that old woman saw Aasha she walked toward her while his son is looking at Shivanaya in a daze.
" Hello, Aasha," the old woman said and Shivanaya turned to look at the old woman.
"She is Shivanaya???" Sunita asked.
" Yes, she is my daughter," Aasha said and Shivanaya smiled and looked at the boy who is looking at her.
" She is pretty. Beta I am Sunita and he is my son Abhay." Sunita introduces her and her son. Shivanya smile and nods to Sunita and then to Abhay. He also smiles in return. They all took the seat and Aasha and Sunita start gossiping. While both Abhay and Shivanaya are getting bored. After they get over.
"Shivanya you and Abhay go talk to each other," Sunita said. Shivanya looked at her mother and she nods in yes.

They both went to the garden of the restaurant.
"Are you looking to settle down?" Abhay asked.
"Honestly no" Shivanaya said and looked at him. He smiles
"Why don't we give a try to this relationship. I mean I am the CEO of my company and you are the managing director we both have a lot of work to do and we both can understand each other. " Abhay said.
" Fine but I am telling you that please don't hope about marriage this soon," Shivanaya said and Abhay nodded in understanding.
"Friends??" Abhay asked and stop walking. Shivanya also stopped walking and looked at him with a smile.
" Friends," she said and shake their hands.
"Now can we go," Abhay asked and Shivanaya nodded and back to go where their mother seated.
Both of their mothers don't ask them about the decision.  After that day both Shivanya and Abhay start talking like normal friends.

"Sir, you have to attend that meeting because the new CEO is wanted to meet you," Prithvi PA said.
"Tell him that I will not meet him," Prithvi said.
"I tried it but he said that he wanted to meet you first then only he will sign for agreement." His PA said.
"Fine. Tell him to meet at my Pune branch tomorrow" Prithivi said.
"Yes sir," PA said and cut the call.
The next day Prithvi reached his branch office. He has an isolated cabin only a vampire is allowed to work on his cabin floor.

He is waiting for Abhimaan Roy to come to his cabin just then his PA told him that Abhimaan came.
"Let him in fast," Prithvi said and he is annoyed because Abhimaan is a human.
Abhimaan enters the cabin and gets shocked to find a very pale handsome man who is a business king. He thought that he would be an old man with a heavy beard and mustache. But here sitting a  28 years older handsome man. While Prithvi is looking at Abhimaan with his sharp eyes. Observing this human in disgust.
"Hello, Mr. Prithvi Singhaniya. I am Abhimaan Roy the Roy company's CEO. Abhimaan said and forward his hand to shake.

"Abhay, you have to do something beta," Sunita said to his son.
"Mom you have to understand that we both need time and I will marry her only. " Abhay said.
"If she gets the time to think then Abhay she will marry another person's beta and all her property went away from our hand," Sunita said.
"Maa please, I know okay!!!! You don't have to take tension" Abhay said and left.

How's the chapter?????

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