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Hello Readers,🎈❤️❤️

Shivanya is about to walk away when he holds her hand and pulls her toward him making her land on his hard chest. She is looking at him with wide eyes.

"Anya!!!!" Prithvi huskily said and held her waist making her gasp in surprise looking at him. Prithvi is trying to control his desire while Shivanya is looking at him intensely like she is trying to study him. 

"you stop!! Stop Prithvi!!! " a girl said while trying to avoid the water attack from him. While Prithvi stops and starts walking toward the girl, the girl looks at him in shock and starts running away when he starts running toward her. 

"Prithvi!!!! Please no!! I'm tired!!!" the girl yelled while running away from him. 

"I will not let you go till you say sorry to me. Say sorry, then I will not disturb you!!!" Prithvi said with a smile. Shivanya giggled when Prithvi held her from behind which made her shocked and they both started laughing loudly. 

Prithvi is looking at Shivanya who is not saying anything, just staring at him; he even calls her but no response comes from her  making him confused.

Shivanya furrowed her eyebrows after the flashover and she put her hands on Prithvi's shoulder for support. Prithvi also held her tightly. 

"What happened ??? Did you see something? " he asked, holding cheeks which made her look at him and she nodded. 

"i…i..... Again I saw some flashes," she said. 

"hmm... What are they?" he asked. 

"I saw..... That... A... Girl is... Running away... From you" she said. 

"what? Running away????" he asked, confused. Shivanya closed her eyes and shook her head and said" I mean.... They are playing... On a beach" Prithvi nodded and thought. 

"That girl was you!!!" he said and Shivanya looked at him for a minute. 

"I will go and change," she said and Prithvi nodded. 

They both go back to the mansion. 


Shivanya is trying to think about that girl's face which was blurred. With that, she went to the kitchen and cooked food for herself. 

After eating her dinner alone she went to the beach again and smiled looking at the sky. She keeps walking which makes her happy. While Prithvi is looking at her from a distance he smiles looking at her. His mobile rang which made him look at the screen. He finds it is from Umang. 

"Bhai!!! I tracked those bitches. They both are running a NGO but in reality, they are running a child racket in the name of Ngo. " Umang said and Prithvi held his mobile tighter and said" I wanted them in our place Umang"

"Okay bhai and why are you treating humans as humans?" Umang asked.

"your bhabhi told me to do so, I will discuss this when I come back to the mystical city. By the way how all humans are?" he asked. 

" Great bhai and their blood becomes thick. I must say bhabhi gives a good idea" Umang said and Prithvi smirked. 

"she gave many good ideas" Prithvi proudly said. 

"I like her bhai. I mean I like bhabhi in this nature. She is so awesome and looking at you and ranvijay I  don't know  when will I meet my mate" Umang said sadly.

"you will meet soon umang. Wait for more months" Prithvi said and looked at Shivanya who was sitting and looking at the water. 

Prithvi again went to his study to do his work he wanted to give space to Shivanya. He doesn't want to make her suffocate which he already made her. The next day also he did not show his face to Shivanya which made her confused and sad. Maybe he is ignoring her. 

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