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Veena pulled her hand away from ranvijay. veena knows that ranvijay is dangerous what he did today with shivanaya was not good.
" I have to inform my friend," veena said. Ranvijay nodded while Prithvi is talking on the call. Veena left them alone. Ranvijay sighed and looked at Prithvi talking to his business partner which is in India. Prithvi singhaniya is not only the king but is the founder of many companies in India as well as in America. He never showed his face to the world but we have a name and power.

Veena told shiv and advik about shivanaya escaping from here.
" How can she do that ??? Doesn't she have to inform us?? we all escape together" advik said.
"Somewhere it is good advik she will ask the help from her parents and they will come and take us home safely," veena said.
" But I don't feel like that veena. I think they are lying" shiv said.
"I don't know. I hope she went to her home safely" veena said and sat on the bed.

" Wow, this place is just beautiful and mind-blowing. I wanted to marry that handsome king and become his queen " Rashmi said dreamily.
" Shut up and go to your room," rishika said. Rashmi rolled her eyes and left her room.

Shivanya is looking blankly at the ground. She doesn't know what to do.
" Hey don't be sad. The king will come soon" tara said.
"How you know?" Shivanya asked.
"I know that because he was waiting for 100 years," tara said but was cut off by shivanya "what 100 years???"
" Yes, shivanya he is the vampire king," Tara said.
" What," shivanaya asked while he  stood in shock.
"Don't be dramatic. Let him show your truth. Then he will beg you for all his sins" Tara said with a sarcastic smile Shivanya looked down.
" Beta, never disclose your secret to anyone" her mother's words rang in her mind.
"I can't. Otherwise, I and my family come in trouble" shivanaya said and looked at tara.
" Don't be scared. I know that you can't right now but do something to get out of here and go to your family soon shivanya" tara said.
" How do you know that, " shivanaya asked.
"I can see the future., Tara said.
" Then tell me how to go out from here," shivanaya asked.
"Talked to the king with respect and beg him to let you free from this dungeons or do one thing offer your blood to him," Tara said. Shivanya gasped.
" I can't offer my blood. What if he kills me by sucking all my blood" shivanaya said.
" He will not. Trust me" Tara said.
" Don't do that shivanya. Don't listen to her" a voice heard. Shivanya looked around and find a man sitting his hair is looking messy and his skin is pale. He sat on the ground he wore a black shirt and ripped pants.
" Who are you," shivanaya asked.
" I am Deepak," a man said.
" Then what are you doing here, " shivanaya asked.
" We both helped someone in escaped 100 years ago," he said and shivanaya gasped and looked at him more carefully finding him somewhere familiar too.

" By the way at night, I was sleepy so I don't talk to you. As you already know how much I love to sleep" Deepak said and shivanaya get confused when she knows this.
"Sleepyhead deepak" tara sings a sarcastic song. 
"Shut up," Deepak said.
"Guys, can you shut up? Tell me to find the way out from here" shivanaya asked.
"Why do you have that black spot on your cheeks? And why are you not looking like" Deepak stopped in the middle when he saw Shivanya looking down when he asked about the black spot.
"Sorry, I will not ask you about this but please tell me. " Deepak asked. Tara rolled her eyes.
" Don't I already tell you she is hiding?" tara said and shivanaya gasped.
"How do you know this?" Shivanya asked. Tara and Deepak smile at her.
"You forget I can see the future," Tara said.
" Oh yeah," shivanaya said.
Just when a door opened voice was heard loudly. Making both tara and Deepak shift back. And shivanaya is nervous.

Prithvi is restless he doesn't know why ?? He didn't sleep at night he drank alcohol all night and kept thinking about why he is concerned about that crying girl. But as a vampire, he shrugged off this feeling and from the morning he is restless so he decide to check on her.

When he opened the door and walked to her chamber while walking all the prisoners is looking scared but he ignore them and made her way toward her. Shivanya is sitting on the ground her head resting on her knees. She is scared and nervous to face the king.
Prithvi looked at her he is standing there doing nothing but staring at her the peace he felt right now was all he needed last night.
Tara and Deepak both are giving a glare at him.
" He is such a stupid man" tara whisper. Deepak and Prithvi listen to this while Deepak laughed and Prithvi give her a look to shut up.
" Stand up," Prithvi said to shivanaya.
"She will not," Tara said. Prithivi looked at her in anger while Shivanya also looked at both king and tara. Prithivi looked at shivanaya and again that hurt expression is visible on him like he expected someone else, not her.
"We are not friends anymore but still I would suggest you, listen to your heart, not with your dumb mind of yours," Deepak said and Prithivi looked at him and smirked.
" Did I ask your advice??? And I am not understanding why are you concerned with her so much?" Prithivi asked.
"Because she is our friend," Tara said. And Prithvi was shocked and again looked at shivanaya in confusion while shivanaya is also looking at them confused.
" Leave her it will be better for you and her," Tara said.
"You will not tell me what to do or not" Prithvi yelled. Tara rolled her eyes.
" Yeah sure, go find your ranvijay that dumb man listens to him," Deepak said and Prithvi's eyes turned red. Shivanya gasped in horror this made Prithvi look at her. She is shaking in fear and she closed her eyes tightly and tear start coming out from her closed eyes.
"Don't scare her with this. You again making a mistake" Tara said.
"You better shut up, you cheater," Prithivi yelled at her loudly.
"Shivanya don't be scared. He is like this only." Deepak tried to console her. Shivanya looked at him and nodded.
"If I am not punishing you is because of her," Prithivi said coldly.
" Haha tara, what a joke," Deepak said and tara also laughed.
"You don't know but you are again doing a mistake," Tara said.
"Please don't fight," shivanaya said whispering, Making all of them look at her.
" Please let me go from here. I promise I will never come here nor even I show my face to you " Shivanaya said with nervousness.
"You are still not showing your fac..." Deepak said but stopped when shivanaya shake her head in no. Tara doesn't say anything while Prithvi looks at them.
" What were you saying," Prithvi asked and  deepak looked at him
" I was saying that she will never show her face yeah...?" Deepak said and confused.
"Why would I let you free," Prithivi asked and ignored deepak. Shivanya looked at Prithvi and said," because I will be dangerous for you and your city." Shivanya said. Prithivi laughed.
"You ?? And dangerous??? Do you know who am i ?" Prithivi asked.
" We told her and even you showed her too," Deepak said and Prithvi looked at him in surprise. If she knows this why don't she is afraid of me???
"I know you are a vampire." Shivanya whisper. But all of them heard her.
"Let her be free prithv... I mean king," Tara said and get sad. Prithvi looked at tara and his eyes also show sad emotion but he shrugged it off fastly.
"King!!! king!!!" Ranvijay's voice was heard. Both Deepak and tara rolled their eyes.
Just then he come " ohh you are here," Ranvijay said, looking at Tara and Deepak. 
" How are you both," ranvijay asked.
" We are great. Enjoying the royalness of our king" tara said sarcastically. Ranjvijay rolled his eyes then his eyes land on shivanaya" keep your face down. Don't show your face' Ranvijay said with disgust. Shivanya in embarrassment looked down and rage is all she felt.
" Shivi cool down. You don't have to" tara said. Both Prithvi and ranvijay looked at tara and then at shivanaya.
"Look at me," Deepak said making both of them turn to him. He gives him a funny smile and both prithvi and ranvijay roll their eyes.
While shivanaya is trying to cool down.
"Let me go," shivanaya said again desperately. She is feeling the heat on her body like it will burn her skin.
" Ohh nooo" tara yelled and gasped.
"You can't," Prithivi said coldly.
" King opens the door and hugs her please," Deepak said. And both prithvi and ranvijay looked at him like are you mad???
" I am serious do one thing please bring water," Deepak said.
" Shivi please cool down," Tara said.
" I am trying but it is hurting," shivanaya said.

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