Miss Shivanya

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Waiting for your response I hope you will like this track. I am again telling if you people do not vote then unfortunately I have to hold this book. The vote is a must.

Thank you my Wattpad friend for editing. ❤️❤️

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Prithivi lifts her chin forcefully and puts a handkerchief on her nose. Shivanya tries to push his hand away but she is defeated to do this because  Prithvi is stronger than her; she faints when she smells it.  

Prithivi takes her to The Mystical City; he can't take any risks with human Shivanya. 


" Maa always told me to choose the right partner for my heart, which is my mate. I believe in love, that's why..." 

"You chose me," a man said and hugged her.

With that Shivanya woke up from her dream. She hisses in pain because her head is aching badly. She looks around and finds herself in an unfamiliar room. She gets up holding her head and recalls what happened, her eyes go wide. 

"oh!!! F***k I am so dead! I did not say goodbye to my family" Shivanya thought and cried. She looks out the window and finds a beautiful view of the garden only to realize that it is a nightmare place that she last visited that made her shake in fear. 

"No !!! Not again!!!!!" She keeps chanting to calm herself down. 

"I can't lose hope," Shivanya said and walked towards the bed crying badly. 

She could hear footsteps approaching so she quickly wiped the tears off her face, lay on the bed, and pulled the covers over her head. 

Prithvi enters the door and hears her heart beating fast he figures that she is pretending to sleep. 

"Get up, Miss Shivanya, "Prithivi said and Shivanya closed her eyes tightly in fear. 

"If you do not wake up you will regret the consequences," Prithvi said. 

"Did he call me??? Miss Shivanya???? Am I dreaming????? " she thought. 

Prithivi snatched the blanket which made Shivanya shocked. She instantly sat straight while trying to be strong. 

"Look at me now !!!" Prithvi said sternly gritting his teeth which made her look at him in fear. Prithvi looks at her teary eyes which makes him guilty but he knows that Shivanya is more stubborn than Anya. 

"You will be living with me from now on-" Prithvi is about to continue but is cut off by Shivanya. 

"But I have my home and why do you want me to stay with you??? We are just business partners " Shivanya said and regretted it the moment she saw Prithvi’s eyes filled with anger he looked as though he would kill her this instant.

For the first and last time NEVER CUT ME OFF WHEN I AM SPEAKING  !!!! Do you understand???" Prithvi yelled at her his voice sent chills down her spine, she shook her head which made Prithivi annoyed.

"Speak up,  damn it" Prithvi growled loudly. 

"ye..yes," Shivanya replied feebly 

"I am warning you that if you try to act over-smart here like you used to then you will have to face painful consequences," Prithvi said while coming close she shifts back more in fear. 

"He is a scary man," Shivanya whispered while looking at him. 

"That’s right, You should be scared of me," Prithivi said glaring right into her eyes and that made Shivanya gulp. 

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