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Standing alone with the file of apparently the most dangerous asylum patient in paris standing in front of said patients room, room 667. This was not what you thought you'd be doing when moving to Paris.

You stood there for at least 5 minutes replaying Martins words.

"This is where I leave you. All his information should be in his file, any follow up questions can be brought to me after your shift... And please keep a close eye on him, for your own safety."

God you felt stupid for accepting the job. You open the file to prepare yourself.

After browsing the past physiatrist's notes you realise, you're in way over your head.

The patient, you now know as Erik Destler is quite problematic. Often ignoring everything around him. Speaking of death, murder, suicide and other dark themes. And probably most dangerous is, is that he is known to resort to drastic measures to get what he desires.

"what a handful." you mumble to yourself. With a sigh and turn the guard close by. You nod your head signalling him to open the door. He does just that.

Your twist the door knob. The door let's out a loud creak. Quickly you enter the room and close the door behind you. A loud click confirms that the door is locked once more.
The room is dark.

You keep your back to the door as you observe your surroundings.
The curtains are pulled closed, but you can see the faint silhouette of a small bed.
"H-hello?" you ask not moving. A rustling in the darker corner of the room catches your attention.

"Good day mister Destler, I am your new doctor, y/n l/n. Feel free to call me y/n" a nervous smile spread across your face.
He says nothing, but you hear him moving closer. You clear you throat "I understand if you're nervous." your smile fades. He stops walking half way towards you. "Nervous?Mademoiselle you are the one who should be nervous." a deep threatening voice states.

"I see, well... um I already am." you chuckle and walk to the window. With one swift motion you open the curtains, the room fills with light. You take a moment to admire the kilometers of forest surrounding the asylum.
Suddenly a pair of large hands wrap around your waist and pull you back throwing you to the floor.
He shuts the curtains violently, but a small crack of light gleams into the room, shining on your face.

"Never open the curtains!"
He yells, facing the curtains. You stare at the back oh his head, shock overwhelming your entire body. A tension filled silence overtakes the room. After a minute or two he starts to turn around. You whip your head down averting your gaze away from his .

Thanks to the small amount of light he is able to see you more clearly.

He stops and takes a second to analyze you. Your h/c/l hair slightly roughed up, a few strands covering your e/c eyes.
Now he could really take the time to appreciate your obvious beauty.

You lift you head with caution making immediate eye contact with Eric. His deep blue eyes stare into your own, almost hypnotising you.
You eyes travel to his mask. A strange yet very alluring accessory.

"i'm sorry"

~Strange Affairs~ (phantom Of The Opera x Fem! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now