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He stares at you, not sure how to respond. It's not often that someone apologizes to him.
You remain still.
Why won't you look at him, was he truly that terrifying?
Quickly he snaps himself out of his daze and back to reality.

"Get up, I believe we have a session to get over with."
He walks to his desk and drags a chair in front of his bed for you to sit on.
He then takes a seat on his bed.
You stand up and collect yourself. Quickly you rush to retrieve your files and sit in the chair.

Eric stares at you intensely trying to predict your every move. If he was being honest he thought you were heading for the door.

"Alright, now that we're seated, would you like to tell me a bit more about your past?" you ask. Your pen hovering just above the paper ready to jot down any words.

"I grew up in the circus. Never knew my father and my mother left me."
He answers, short and quick.
"mhm interesting." you mumble to yourself whilst writing.
He stares and your delicate fingers holding the feather pen.

"And what exactly was your role in the circus?" you question.
"I uhm."he takes a moment think.
" I was an attraction, due to my, um well... This. " he gestures to the masked side of his face.
" I see, tell me more about your childhood , being an attraction must have been terrible for such a young child. " he studies your soft lips moving expressing sympathy.

" Indeed terrible. I was the subject of everyone's mockery. Abuse, humiliation and utter deviation was my childhood in a nutshell."

You write a few more notes and so on.
After about 45 minutes of questioning and taking notes you feel somewhat proud of your work. You smile, whilst searching for more things to question.

Erics eyes linger on your smile. What a gorgeous smile you have.

"Alright mister Destler we are doing good so far, we're nearly half way through." You chuckle and flip to a new page.

" I'd like to talk about Christine."

That name. That name made him freeze. The name of the only woman he has ever loved.
"What?" he couldn't bring himself to speak her name it hurt to much.

"Christine, I've read her name quite a few times and I think it'd be good to t-"

"Frankly miss l/n she is none of your concern and I would refrain from talking about her any longer." he cuts you off.

His voice sounds anry as if offended by your words. The writing of the pen stops. You think bout your next words.

" Mister Destler, I seem to have offended you for that I apologize. "

He say's nothing.

" ..."
"...? "

" get out. "

He stares at the wall to the left of him.
"What?" your voice echoes inside his head. "Mister Destler I-"

"GET OUT!" he shouts this time standing up towering over you. He pushes your chair away slightly and sits down with his head in his hands.
You sigh deeply before standing up and sorting your files neatly.
"Alright mister Destler, I'll be back next week hopefully you'll be in a better mood to talk." you turn around swiftly towards the door and walk towards it.

You knock on the door waiting for the gaurd. He opens a slot in the door to see that it's you and the opens the door.

You step out, but before closing the door you glance back at Eric. His back turned to you know.

"Good bye Mister Destler."

He ignores you and you close the door.

~Strange Affairs~ (phantom Of The Opera x Fem! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now