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"Go, before he finds you!" you demand looking back frantically. "NO! not without you." you hear a quiver in his voice. You stare into those desperate eyes, tears ready to fall. Your heart breaks with your next words. " Eric, I can't" you break down with the last words. His face contorts into one of hurt and betrayal "why?" his voice barely above a whisper. You place your hands onto his face, his head relaxes into your touch. You look down avoiding his gaze. "If  I go with you Ryan will never stop looking. We'll always be on the run and will never rest. We'll never..." you look up into his deep blue eyes as tears runs down your rosy cheeks. "You'll never be free." you say. 

He pulls you close to him and holds you tight"Y/n... I can't lose you, not again." his voice cracks completely now full on crying. You close your eyes trying to remain strong, you hear Ryans footsteps. "I will always love you Eric, but we cannot be, not in this lifetime." he lets you go and his eyes focus onto your hands. Ryan is close just a minute or two before he finds you both. 

Eric pulls something out from his pocket, a small black box. Your eyes grow wide "Eric-" he puts his finger to your lips to silence you. He opens the box and takes out an engagement ring, with silent tears gliding down his face "To you my angel, my love, my wife..." he takes your hand and puts the ring on your finger. " A symbol of our undying love. A symbol.. of what could have been." he touches your cheek and kisses you, your eyes close and you kiss back knowing this is to be your last kiss. He pulls away and covers your eyes before you can open them. "count to three, then only then may you open your eyes." you nod your head and feel his hand move away. you take a deep breathe.




You open your eyes and see no one, your turn every way  you can, but he is gone. You feel the tears flow. Ryan's footsteps finally reaches the sunroom and sees your back turned to his. (lmao just found the right name for the room) "Y/N!" he shouts his voice filled with fear. quickly he runs to you and hugs you tight kissing you all over. " I thought you were hurt, I thought I lost you. What happened? Are you alright?" he asks. "I-, someone broke in.." you say softly still in slight shocked state of mind. "Did he take anything? did he do anything to you?!"

"No!" you answer quickly. "He um- I saw him enter and ran to hide here behind the plants. Then he must have heard you, because he ran right past me and exited through the door." you point to the sunroom door that leads to the garden. "Oh my darling, thank heavens you're alright. God knows what I would have done if I lost you. You must have been terrified!" you lays his head onto your shoulder. "yes terrified" you say softly.


The place were called and you were forced to give a fake statement. After all the drama Ryan decided to stand guard to ensure that you feel safe, even after you invited that it was not needed, but stubborn men never listen. 

Presently you are laying in your bed staring at the dark ceiling unable to sleep. Your hand automatically plays with the ring that Eric gave you. you take it off and inspect it. truly it is one of the most beautiful rings you have every seen, but it did make you wonder how the Phantom came to possess it, because the ring looked like it cost a fortune or two at least. closing to to worry about that you get out of your bed and walk to your jewellery box and pull out a thin, long, silver necklace chain. You weave the chain through the ring and then put the necklace on, hing it underneath your night gown. More tears stream down your face as your stare at yourself in the mirror, then you spot a bright red contrasting to the dull room in the reflexion. You turn around and there neatly placed onto your night stand is a red rose. A warm feeling fills your heart as you make your way to the rose. How did you not notice this before? that's when you hear his voice, just outside your window. 

You rush to the window and swing it open to see him standing  just outside the manor gates. 

(I'm too lazy to type out the song so just listen to it mk)

He sang too you one last time. Your eyes never left him not when you cried nor when you smiled and not even now as you close you windows while he stares at you understanding, but hating your decision. " Eric i love you" you sing just before the windows are closed completely.

With a broken heart Eric stares at you window wishing for something he know will not happen.

The end

( thank you guys for reading i really appreciate the votes and the view who actually read it. I love you all and 👋.
Just kidding the books not done yet.)

You climb back into your bed and finally for some reason fall asleep believing you can now live a boring peaceful life. Little do you know that your fiance had come to check in on you, but accidentally heard everything you and the Phantom said through these paper thin walls.

Plot twist...
See you next time babes.

~Strange Affairs~ (phantom Of The Opera x Fem! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now