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Monday morning you woke up with a warm feeling and butterflies still lingering in your stomach, from Saturdays events.
After the park Ryan took you to lunch. He walked you home and.aaid goodbye with a kiss on your hand.You felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
With a hop in your step you got ready for work.
You hum a tune as you close the door behind you. Making your way to Martin's office you knock a simple pattern on his door.

"Come in"

You open the door. "Morning" he looks up from his paper work and smiles.
"Don't you seem chipper this morning, did something happen?" He questions.
"Oh just the usual." You smile and put a small package on his table.

"What's this?" He picks it up.
"Scones, I baked too many and thought you might like a few. "How thoughtful of you, thank you very much." His smile becomes wider.

"Oh here are your files for the opera ghost and you'll be pleased to know that you're getting a new client today."
He stands up and opens a drawer and searches for the file.
"Ah here it is." He pulls it out and hands it to you.

"Thank you, anything specific I should worry about?" You scan the file. "He can get a bit aggressive so he will be wearing a straight jacket. Don't be alarmed a guard will be positioned outside the door." He explains.

"Perfect, thank you mister Martin."
You stride off ready to face the phantom again.

You seem different. Eric studies you face long and hard, but can't quite figure out what has happened.

Your smile is a largely spread across you face. You hum a happy tune while dodling and writing.
He shifts uncomfortable and clears his throat.
You look up and make eye contact with Eric. He opens his mouth to say something, but quickly closes his mouth again.
You look back at your notes and continue.

"About last time..." he begins feeling guilty about the incident.
"Yes?" You continue writing.
"Well I may have over reacted a bit and-".

"A bit?"

"Well maybe a lot."

You look at him "Mister Destler, my job is to talk to you about your problems and obsessions. I understand, well maybe not fully, but I understand that things can be hard to talk about." You smile at him with sympathy.

He avoids eye contact.
"If it will help we can have a safeword."
You suggest. "A safeword?" He looks confused.
"Yes, when you feel I am asking to much or if you feel uncomfortable about something you say a specific word, a safeword." You explain with a smile.

He loves your smile.

"I see, so I choose a word?"



He stares at intensly.
"Rose it is then."

1 hour in and Eric has yet to have a tantrum of sorts.

"So tell me about your likes and dislikes."
You prepare to jot down his response.
"Likes? Well there's music, art, the colour red, opera and so on."
He glances at your face, you looked so focused, so very enchanting. He feel like he could get lost in you deep e/c eyes, and drown.

"And dislikes?"

He snaps out of his haze. "Ah yes, dislikes. The circus, champagne it's to sweet, Viscounts and many more things, but I can't seems to recall the at the moment."

Your ears perk at 'Viscounts'.
"Oh... why Viscounts?" You almost stutter. "They're all stuck up." He scoffs.
Your brows furrow " not all of them .."
You defend, thinking of you recent encounters with a surten Viscount.

"Trust me Miss L/n, they're all stuck up, heart breaking, no good trouble causing swines." His voice raised slightly.

"Could it be that you, perhaps have a personal reason for your hatred to Viscounts?" You ask. He looks at you "That is correct." He admits."Would you like to discuss it?" You tap your pen on the paper.

"I could try." He says. You gesture with your hand for him to continue.

"A Viscount stole my lady love from me and brain washed her into thinking I was 'a monster" he fiddles with a yarn string from his shirt sleeve.

You've read his file before, not a lot of information was given. He was admitted by the court of justice after being declared insane. He held killed many, held a woman and man hostage and then set them free. The woman was Christine, who you assumed his lady love, and the man was Viscout de Channel, who you assumed 'stole' his lady love.

In the few notes from the physiatrists before you there wasn't much, just a few notes on what medication or therapy torture he should be given.
Not one doctor took the time to learn more. With what you have you assume that Eric and Christine were in fact in love with each other.

" I'm terribly sorry that you had to go through that." You say and place you hand on his shoulder.

You're touching him. He felt honored, a beautiful creature such as yourself was touching a ugly being like him. He doesn't want it to end and yet he feels your hand slowly drifting away from him.

"Thank you"

He feels his heart swell as write more and ask him more questions.

He knows this is bad, he needs to put an end to his feelings and fast.

Before it's too late.

~Strange Affairs~ (phantom Of The Opera x Fem! Reader) Where stories live. Discover now