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I was in a daze when the boys led me to their house, Felix holding one hand and Hyunjin holding the other as Changbin watched out for us. I felt too in...shock to notice something I wish I had. When we returned to the SKZ house, (they said they all pooled together for it, to get away from the dorms) Chan took my hands from the boys. "He looks like he's on cloud 9. What did you guys do?" He fussed and the boys stuck their hands up in defense. "We just told him the truth." Felix says and Hyunjin recalls to Chan what Felix said. Chan sighed, holding the bridge of his nose.

"You can't just flat out say that to someone, Felix. Especially in public. What if someone heard you?" Chan says and Felix looks down. He knew Chan was right, but still. Chan sat me on the couch and told Seungmin something I didn't really pay attention to. Soon enough though, Seungmin returned with tea which he gently handed to me. Somehow, I snapped out of my daze and blinked before looking around. How...did I get here? "Rejoined us on earth?" Chan asks and I look at him. "You...could say that." I say and he chuckled. 

He motioned to my tea which I looked at then sipped. "Try not to pay too much attention to what Felix said. I mean, it's true, and you do fascinate us, but we won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. Right, guys?" he looked at the three. "Yeah.." Felix rubs his neck. "Mhm!" Hyunjin says. Changbin said nothing. Chan looked exasperated. "Why are you difficult, Bin?" He asked and Changbin just grew a grin and whispered something to Chan. I was confused and even more so when Chan started smacking Changbin's arm, to which Changbin laughed.

"Don't worry about it, they're usually like this." Seungmin says and I nod, sipping my tea again. "So, Colton, curious question." He says and leans back and I hm? "Who's your bias?" He asked and that caused everyone to stop and look at me. I felt my face heat up under the stares. "Uh....well...you see..." I stammer a bit. They were all awaiting an answer, it seemed. I was about to open my mouth when I heard someone's voice I wish I hadn't. "Wow, you guys managed to get him here? What kind of magic did you pull?" the voice said and I slowly turned.

 "Wow, you guys managed to get him here? What kind of magic did you pull?" the voice said and I slowly turned

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I didn't answer, I just kind of...blanked. "Well I think we found out." Chan laughs and Han seemed confused. "Found out what?" He asked curiously. "Who Colton's bias is." Chan chuckled again. It seemed to take a minute for it to register to Han's brain. "Wait...me?" He says and Chan nodded. Han slowly grew a smile and wandered over. He crouched by the back of the couch and took my hands after Seungmin set my tea down. "I'm so honored that I'm your bias. You're my favorite too." He says genuinely and I felt like I was melting inside.

"Say, I have a question for you, if you don't mind." He says and I shook my head. "Would you indulge me in some cuddles?" He says, his eyes shiny. How could I ever tell this boy no? He was too damn precious. "O-okay...." I say shakily and he smiles wide. "Thank you~!" He says and leads me off to his room by dragging me.

 "Thank you~!" He says and leads me off to his room by dragging me

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I looked around and he motions around. "Welcome to my room. Casa Del Hannie." He says and sits on his wood base. "Take a look around. Get comfy." He says and I do look around. On a shelf, he had stray kids memorabilia and photos of the boys in different places. On the desk, he kept his computer, headphones, and a picture of him and his parents. I picked up a small keychain that had quokka on it and raised an eyebrow. "Gotta support my son." Han says, laughing. 

I set it down and sit beside him. "I have another question. And you can tell me no." He turns to me. "Can...I kiss you?"He asks softly and I was shocked. I mean it shouldn't have come as a shock after what Felix said, but still. "I...okay...yeah." I say and he set a hand on my face before closing the space between us. His lips were very soft. I just kissed him for a bit until he pulled back slowly. I kissed my bias and got confessed to by the entirety of my ult group? What the fuck was happening? He heh'd a bit and licked his lips a bit."You just make me want to do it again....and again..." He whispered, eyes looking at my lips.

"....who said you couldn't?" I whispered and he grinned a bit before kissing again. Eventually it progressed to a makeout...to then shirts removed...to me gripping his hair as he blew me. We both laid in his bed after, watching each other. Han seemed content with his choices. "Get some rest, hm?" He whispered, pushing my hair behind my ear. "I can try...but thanks to what you did...I'll probably dream of you..." I whispered back and his grin grew. "Good. I am looking to be your boyfriend after all. I might get jealous if you dream of someone else..." He grinned wide. I blushed and buried into his chest. He held me close and pet my hair. "Sleep well, Colton." He says, kissing my head. And when I finally fell asleep thanks to his warmth and the faint smell of vanilla caramel, I dreamt of a peaceful life with Stray Kids... Too bad that would come to an abrupt halt very soon. Oh...If only I'd been more aware of my surroundings....Maybe we wouldn't be where we are now.

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