Chapter 3: Memory of a Forgotten Dream

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"We finally made it to the Vanilla Kingdom!" GingerBrave told his friends when the light from the portal faded. Indeed, the portal had taken them up into the embrace of the castle in the sky. From how faint the smell of the earth was, Meringue Cookie could figure they were no longer close to the surface.

"Behold, denizens of the Vanilla Kingdom!" Custard Cookie III announced. "For I, Custard Cookie III, descendant of the king, have arrived! Sound the fanfare!"

"I CAN'T believe I found the long-lost Vanilla Kingdom!" even Wizard Cookie was excited. "This discovery will be remembered in the history of magic as my greatest achievement! Just take a look at the architecture! Layers of wafers carved with intricate care, as if they were chocolate BRICKS! I-I can't even...!"

Custard Cookie III stuck his chin out. "What did I tell you? The Vanilla Kingdom is the grandest of all kingdoms! I told you, didn't I? Didn't I?!"

"Indeed, you did! You were absolutely right!"

"There's something familiar about this place..." Meringue Cookie said, and she meant it. She couldn't see how amazing the kingdom was, but something about the way the ground felt beneath her feet...something about the ancient smell, and the sound of the wind blowing across the rooftops...she felt as if she'd heard it all before, in another another life.

And it seemed Healer Cookie felt the same. "Meringue Cookie, do you feel that way as well? I sense a hint of...yes, something in the air. As if butter has aged rather too long."

"Pssh, what are you talking about?" Chili Pepper Cookie brushed off her companions' familiarity. "All I smell is GOLD! Now...where are they? It's time for the heist of the century!"

"Don't forget why we're here," Black Raisin Cookie set everyone straight. "I get that you're all excited, but keep your guard up at all times."

Chili Pepper Cookie ignored her. "Hey, Mustard or Custard whatever your name is. Here's that red carpet, just like the one you're always going on about."

"OOH! Perfect for a king's grand entrance! An excellent find, haha!"

Sensing Black Raisin Cookie was getting irritated, Meringue Cookie tried to bring everyone back on track. "Hey...I can smell waffle plating close by somewhere up above us. I think that's where the Wafflebots are created."

Black Raisin Cookie took notice of the observation and pointed to the sky. "There, in the silhouette of the crimson moon. They could be at the top of that castle."

"Lead the way!" Chili Pepper Cookie stepped aside to let Black Raisin Cookie pass. "And if you could pass a treasure vault on the way, that'd be GREAT!"

The group walked down the cobbled path to the castle in question. As they went, Healer Cookie paced by Meringue Cookie to talk with her. "You have quite the nose and set of ears, little one. Very impressive."

Meringue Cookie shrugged. "It's alright, for finding material objects and whatnot. But there's some things that only seeing Cookies could ever enjoy. Hearing everyone talk about how amazing the Vanilla Kingdom looks reminds me of THAT."

"The Vanilla Kingdom does look very nice..." Healer Cookie figured. "But they seem to be forgetting the beauty of the sky it sits under. The way the sun bleeds the sky red, lavender, and orange, the way the stars begin to wink into existence."

"Stars..." Meringue Cookie cocked her head curiously. "What...are the stars like up there?"

Meringue Cookie could no longer hear Healer Cookie's feet stepping alongside her, as if he had stopped in surprise. "O-Oh...sorry. Was that a stupid question?"

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