Chapter 13: Shadows

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Little Sister!" Banbury Cookie was overjoyed to see Pastry Cookie. "You're alive?! I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I!" Pastry Cookie was equally happy. "How did you find me?!"

"When I arrived at the catacombs, I was informed of what was going on. Then we discovered the cave system you fell into, so I led a patrol to try to follow you," Banbury Cookie explained. "But when the Bête Blanc brought the tunnels down, everything happened so fast. I got wounded and could barely walk, but Cherry Souffle Cookie helped me escape. Everyone scattered, and...that was the last I've seen of the other Shadow Sisters since. It was just Cherry Souffle Cookie and me after that."

Pastry Cookie looked around, realizing the Cookie in question was missing. "Where's Cherry Souffle Cookie now?"

Banbury Cookie faced the ground, looking solemn. "She...didn't make it. Her own wounds were too hard for her to overcome and with how tough it was in the wilderness, she couldn't last long, know that."

"I'm so sorry, Banbury Cookie...she was a good Shadow Sister,"

"Yes...she was. I was alone for a long time after the Witches took her. Being isolated has been...hard."

Banbury Cookie brightened up, hugging Pastry Cookie. "But now I have you! We found each other despite everything! It's a sign from the Godly, I can feel it!"

"I'm just...happy to have found you," Pastry Cookie smiled. "We've been struggling a bit too, but I'm so glad we lasted long enough for us to-"


"Hello, Banbury Cookie."

Red Velvet Cookie's voice interrupted their conversation. Banbury Cookie's eyes widened when she recognized his cake arm. "Is that...the heretic from the Cake Tower??"

"It's okay!" Pastry Cookie hurriedly put herself between them. "He's with me. He rescued me when the tunnels collapsed and we've been surviving together ever since."

Red Velvet Cookie seemed uneasy, but he figured Pastry Cookie had a handle on things. "So...are you Head Nun of the Order now?"

Banbury Cookie raised an eyebrow, but stayed put. "Not yet. Come. Let's get to a clearer place and I'll explain."


Soon, the three were resting in the middle of a clearing as Pastry Cookie continued to converse with her superior. " long has it been? Since Cherry Souffle Cookie passed?"

"I'm...not sure," Banbury Cookie admitted. "My days out in the wilderness are all blurred together. I'm sure you know how it is. You were alone out there longer than I was."

"I...wasn't alone," Pastry Cookie corrected. "I had Red Velvet Cookie."

Banbury Cookie cast an uncomfortable glance at him. "Riiiiiiiiiiiight. know what I mean. Anyway, I'm just glad you made it out alive and we're together again. I'll look after you from now on, just like I did back in the chapel."

"Pfffffff. How are YOU going to look after HER?" Red Velvet Cookie scoffed dubiously.

"I'm glad you asked!" Banbury Cookie stuck her chin up. "I've just received news from Reverend Mother. She says that once the Bête Blanc has been captured and delivered to the chapel, she'll step down and I'll be Head Nun! And best of all: we're to deliver it alive, so nobody has to get hurt!"

"Other than the 'Bête Blanc' itself!" Red Velvet Cookie said, hardly daring to believe what she was saying.

"The Bête Blanc had its freedom on Earthbread, but now it's over!" Banbury Cookie declared. "The only problem is that it's elusive. Last time it was cornered, it used its destructive force and wiped out an entire town. I'm not giving up, though! But I've love a little backup, in case it gets me in a tough spot. Little Sister? Red Velvet Cookie? Would you mind coming along to help? You'll have a place in the St. Pastry Order as long as I'm Head Nun, of course!"

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