Chapter 26

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Ghirahim watched in horror as his unconscious master fell to the floor. He forced himself up, stumbling to the child. He held his master to his chest, blinking back the tears that threatened to escape. Ithzarus laughed at the demon lord. "Where's that flame now, huh?! Within a day or so, that "master" of yours will be dead! The demon king shall rule over both worlds. If you think it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!!" he said wickedly, as he teleported away, his laughter echoing throughout the room.

"M-master..." Ghirahim mumbled. 'There isn't much time to save him. The only cure for a secethic needle is an elixir made from a rare crystal. Rucht may be able to assist with this task. But for now...' Ghirahim set his master gently onto the floor, turning towards the door as it unlocked. The shrine was identical to the last. Ghirahim quickly changed forms, and fell into the water. He could feel the water's power changing him, his strength increasing. As soon as he was finished, he ran from the room, scooped his master up into his arms, and fled from the place in fear of his master's life.

"So the general got him with poison, huh?" Rucht said, inspecting the hero's neck carefully. They had returned to Rucht's house. "Yes, we have a mere few days before his life comes to a painful end. Would you be able to fetch the hirajin crystals from within the deep mountain caverns?" "Well, sure I could. It'll take a bit of time though, not sure how long exactly." He pulled his friend into a tight hug. "I'll save your friend, I promise." With that said, Rucht bounded off to the caverns, in search of a hirajin crystal.

Ghirahim watched over Link as he impatiently waited for Rucht's return. He was becoming anxious. 'It's been six hours since he left. How long is it going to take to get one little gem?!' Grinding his teeth, a single tear slid down his cheek. The thought of losing the skychild filled his heart with great sorrow. He could barely endure the heartache. Suddenly, he felt something nudge his hand. Ghirahim opened his eyes to be greeted by the dark, brown eyes of the harach. "Aooh?" Ghirahim's lips curved up into a slight smile. "Where have you been?" he asked, as he scratched the little demon behind the ears. The harach purred quietly. Ghirahim sighed. 'Rucht.... Will you return quick enough?'

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