Chapter 42

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The demon swiftly walked behind the tall dark brick houses of the king's best men; blending into the thick shadows as he avoided being seen. His quick and steady footsteps were the only sound to be heard in the dark back alley, echoing throughout the dirty path. He kept his gaze on the exit at the far end of the path, where the orange light of the beginning sunset shone brightly. The pain had almost faded by the time he reached the exit. Ghirahim took a long look at the dark palace, examining it closely. The polished dark bricks reflected the sun's light beautifully. Guards patrolled throughout th area; the entrance being guarded by two of them. They stood motionless, and seemed to be completely focused and serious about their job. Glancing to the far left, Ghirahim took notice of an old, wooden door that was currently unattended. 'Perfect.' He teleported to the door and entered it; quickly shutting it behind him as he started down the dimly lit hallway.

The Demon King sat proudly atop his throne as he watched the people of his kingdom fall, becoming weaker each second. The joy he felt from bringing others pain is indescribable. A wicked smirk made it's way onto his face. Soon his plan would be complete. He turned to his second general, Hazardrik. "Go check and make sure everything is ready to launch our assault. Also, find Ithzarus. He will be necessary as well." Hazardrik nodded before extending a pair of large wings and exiting through the King's balcony, flying off. The Demon King stared after Hazardrik until he disappeared into the dark clouds. He continued to stare, becoming lost in thought about the other world. 'What sort of place has it become since I left?? I wonder...' His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering his throne room. He turned his head to see the one person he never wanted to see, the person he despised.

 "So you've managed to make it this far. I'll admit, I'm impressed. You've managed to avoid my army and make your way into my domain. Quite a feat there, you know. But I'm afraid your little quest ends here." The King stepped down from his throne, using his magic to rid himself of his armor and exposing his muscular scaly chest. He now wore a long skirt like the one Demise owned. His long blonde hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. 'Finally, the moment has arrived. I'll get my revenge right here and now.' He glared into the dark eyes of his opponent. "Demon wretch Ghirahim. I'll enjoy seeing your blood spilled across the floor!!" The King lunged forward, summoning a dark blade into his hands. Ghirahim quickly summoned a blade of his own and countered the attack. "Stop this now, Ostreiga. You can't win against me. You know this." The King's eyes glowed red with rage. "I told you before... NEVER CALL ME BY MY NAME, YOU WRETCH!!!!!" He lunged forward once more, his body filled with power and rage. The sound of swords clashing rang throughout the room as the demons fought; each only managing to land a few minor blows to the other. 

Link wandered through hall after hall. He was surprised he managed to avoid the gaze of any guard. 'No way it should be this simple....' His ears perked up suddenly as he caught the faint sound of clashing metal. 'What could that be?' Curious, he continued down the hall, following the sound as it slowly grew louder. His crimson eyes traced over the details of the large ornate double doors he had come across. He put his hands on the door, pushing them open with a shove. He shielded his eyes with his hand as he became temporarily blinded by the bright light that filled the next room. When he regained his ability to see, his jaw dropped. His eyes widened at the pool of blood that ran across the floor.

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