Chapter 33

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"Here we are. This is where the shrine is." said Ghirahim. They had walked along a dirt path for a few minutes before stopping at a large stone structure, with two ornate double doors. The area was a bit secluded from the town, and was surrounded by lots of blue leafy plants. It was practically a jungle over here! The structure stood atop a hill, giving the two a great view of the settlement below. Skai poked his little head out from Ghirahim's cloak, staring at the nearby city. He didn't seem all that interested however, as the blue plants grasped his attention; his eyes unmoving from them.

Ghirahim sighed as he admired the ancient structure. "I used to come play here as a child. It's been so long..." he said as he pushed the doors open with ease. "I thought you were created by Demise?" Link asked as he followed the demon. "That was just a lie he fed others in hopes of seeming more powerful. In truth, I was born like any other demon. I had a life and friends once. But the day Demise came to our village changed everything." He shuddered at the memory. "I would prefer not to dwell on the subject too much, Master. I do hope you understand."

The entire building was one large room. The stone walls and floor were slightly crumbled. On the back wall was a large stained glass window depicting a young demon holding the Triforce. Below the window sat the fountain of blessed water. The water shimmered as it flowed through the fountain; seeming as if it were calling for them. The shimmering increased as Ghirahim moved closer. Link guessed it was cause Ghirahim had bathed in the last two shines, and is now connected to them. He leapt upwards, spinning in midair as he switched forms. Stepping forward, Link grasped the handle. He knelt down, gently placing the blade in the fountain. He and Skai watched as the shimmery water flowed over the blade. The demon sword emitted a bright glow before taking on a stunning appearance. The blade turned pure white, and the hilt completely sky blue with a blood red diamond embedded in it. A red and yellow diamond pattern appeared on the white blade, giving it the final touch. Link removed his sword from the water, looking over the changes with delight. 'He's changed so much since we began this journey.' he thought as the blade flew from his hands, changing back to the flamboyant demon. He flipped his hair, which now seemed to emit a faint silvery glow. In fact, his entire being seemed to emit the silver light. "Just one more." he said with a smile. "Then we'll be able to challenge the king with a chance of defeating him. It'd be delightful to see his lifeless body crippled upon the floor." Ghirahim giggled evilly as he walked towards the exit. 'Honestly, I think he's a bit more enthusiastic about this.' Link thought as the three of them headed back to the village.

They had returned to their cozy room at the inn. Ghirahim paced around the room, lost in deep thought. He has absolutely no clue where the final shrine is located, or where to begin searching. Link watched a frustrated expression work it's way onto his face as his pace quickened. Link turned his gaze to Skai, who was sound asleep on his bed. "I got it!!" Ghirahim shouted. "There's a library here that owns several old books; some so old, that nobody understands the language they had been written in. There might be some sort of clue there!" Ghirahim ran from the room, slamming the door shut behind him; leaving Link alone with the still sleeping harach.

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