Chapter 36

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Ghirahim returned to the library. He immediately teleported into the aisle with books on ancient magic. He yanked the books from the shelf one by one, flipping through the pages quickly. 'This one is useless... So is this one..... And this one!' Soon, he had searched through every book in their possession on ancient magic; not one containing the answers he sought. He pressed his face into his hands in frustration. 'I cannot determine Master's fate with this lack of information. The magic Ithzarus used is something I have never seen before, not once in my lifetime. I doubt any of my allies would know anything either... What to do...?' He stood there as minutes passed, his face still hidden by his gloved hands. At this point, there is nothing he can do for Link. He closed his eyes in shame. How embarrassing for a sword to be useless in his master's time of need. 'If only he hadn't left the inn... Maybe this turn of events would have been prevented. Now Master lays unconscious on their bed; his strength slowly slipping away. Ghirahim's purpose as a sword spirit is to protect and serve his master. If he can no longer perform such duties, what did that make him? Never before had he felt such shameful disgrace.

"Well hellooooo there, buddy! Didn't expect to see you here!" A slight look of annoyance made it's way onto the demon lord's face as the all-too-familiar voice reached his ears. Very slowly, he lifted his head from his hands to see Rucht standing a few feet away, wearing a big grin on his face. His hair even messier now than their previous encounter. "Looking for books as well? How great! Yay for book-finding buddies!!" he said cheerfully. Ghirahim's gaze returned to the long shelves. "Not now, Rucht..." he whispered. "Why so sad? You should be happy, it's way more fun." "Master is in critical condition once again, this time even more dire than before. The demon general attacked him with ancient magic. I've searched for quite a while, but am still without answers..." Rucht's gaze fell onto the tall stack of old books behind the sword spirit. "Did you try searching through this one?" he asked as he held up a book with a leather cover. The words on the front were faded, making it impossible for Ghirahim to make out the title. He lazily flipped through the pages, certain this book was no different. A slight gasp escaped his lips as he stared wide-eyed at a page describing Master's condition. He quickly scanned through the page, a feeling of hope budding in his heart as he read. 'This ancient magic is used to end one's human life, but it is not able to kill. Instead, it transforms the target's soul into one of a demon's.' Ghirahim's jaw slowly dropped. Rucht gave him a weird look. "Find what you needed? You should see the look on your face, it's strange." Ghirahim looked into the eyes of his friend with a slight smile on his face. "Master will be alright."

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