Chapter 35

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Ghirahim was on his way back to the inn, taking his time as he strolled down the roads, pondering the information he found. The location of the fourth shrine was written in the pages of the book he read. The only difficulty now is whether or not they're capable of reaching it...

Ghirahim gazed over at the setting sun; which bathed his surroundings in orange light. The road was silent except for the sound of his footsteps echoing throughout the area. This time of day had always been his favorite; when the light dies out, giving in to darkness. He smiled to himself; finding the twilight most enjoyable. The sun's light began to fade. Darkness began spreading over the area. He looked ahead as the village inn came into view. Barely able to contain the excitement of seeing his master again, Ghirahim teleported to their room. His gaze wandered throughout the small room. "Master?" he quietly purred. After a few minutes of searching, he could confirm that his master wasn't here. 'Where could he have gone? Ugh, he's bound to be lost somewhere... Can't he ever learn to wait?' The harach still slept soundly under the bed sheets. Ghirahim gave the creature a disapproving stare. 'That thing sleeps far too much. If it were awake, master would have stayed to watch over it. Why the boy would want to bring along something so annoying is anyone's guess...' He sighed. 'I suppose I'll get to searching. He couldn't have gone far.'

The demon lord teleported from the room, appearing outside at the entrance. Ghirahim flinched as he sensed an overwhelming dark energy being emitted from a nearby path. It made the demon lord extremely uncomfortable. He teleported to the streets entrance to see what that bothersome energy was coming from. He was surprised to see his master, laying unconscious in the street. "Master!!" Ghirahim exclaimed as he ran to his master. His fingertips grazed against the child's cheek. 'Master... Not again...' A sudden searing pain shot through him. He yanked his hand away from the boy. 'Ithzarus again... I thought we had finished with him. Of all times to strike, it had to be now...' He closely examined the young hero. Link's skin had turned a light gray, with dark purple lines zigzagging over him. The lines slowly increased in length, covering more of his body. 'This isn't good... He's been in this state for at least an hour... I'm not certain of what I can do for him now... I'm afraid it could be too late anyway. Master....' Ghirahim carefully picked Link up, trying his hardest to ignore the searing pain, which was more intense than before. "Nnggnn... I will... Save.... My master..." He returned to the room with his master.

He grabbed the harach by the ears and tossed it to the side. Skai remained asleep. 'Useless creature...' Ghirahim thought at the tiny demon. He lay Link onto the bed. The boy's condition only seemed to worsen. 'What can I do.... Think....... Unless the library has any information, Master is doomed to whatever fate Ithzarus had laid upon him. The skychild's skin slowly darkened in color; his hair now turning a darker shade as well. 'I mustn't waste even a second.' Ghirahim immediately teleported back to the library, which was open late that night. He began another search for a way to preserve the life of his master.

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