Chapter 31

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An hour of tiresome walking later, the mist began to clear, and before them stood a little village. Link had expected Ghirahim to go around the settlement, and was quite surprised to see him continue towards it. "Ghirahim? Hey, wait!" Link said, trying to match the demon's quick pace. "I thought you said we needed to avoid any demon communities." "This village is an exception. I rescued the poor town from destruction a few decades ago, resulting in their eternal gratitude. No matter what the king has ordered, they remain loyal to me and will lend assistance if needed."

The buildings looked more like those of a city rather than a small town. They were tall, with a sturdy grey exterior. Link watched the demons rushing from place to place, eager to complete their work. They all had pure white hair, and clothes adorned with diamonds. "They look a lot like you." "Yes, well this is my hometown of course. I was born and raised here, which is why I resemble the inhabitants so closely." They attracted plenty of attention. Link noticed several demons lean over to the next, whispering in a foreign language. "They are speaking of our presence. Certain races of demons have studied the human language and speak it as they please. This race has not; they speak the language of their ancestors instead. Wait here." Ghirahim approached a large building, walking up a flight of stairs to the entrance. Link waited outside, interested in his surroundings. Out if the corner of his eye, he saw three female demons staring at him from across a dirt path. They immediately looked away as he glanced at them, acting as if he were invisible. 'Ok... Rude...'

Ghirahim appeared from the building, holding a card in his hand. "I got us a room at the inn." he said, holding the card up. Link assumed it was some sort of room key. Ghirahim led the way to a very tall building. As they walked to the doors, they were greeted by numerous smiling faces. A beautiful female stepped forward. "Saruch hi watchu!! Ganma trusu blint." Having no idea what was said, Link followed her and Ghirahim to a room. "We'll be staying here tonight." Ghirahim said as he glanced at Link. He looked back to the girl, who seemed very pleased." Gartchu." With that said, she rushed back down to the main room, leaving the two in their room. "We should waste no time in getting some rest. I am utterly exhausted from all the walking." said Ghirahim He and Link lay down into a bed and fell into slumber.

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