Chapter 30

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The following morning, Link was well enough to travel. They all stood outside the cottage, bidding Rucht farewell. "Thank you, Rucht. We are very grateful for the assistance you have provided." said Ghirahim, bowing slightly. 'Well he's being very formal...' Link thought. He couldn't help but feel bad for Rucht, who was saddened by their departure. "When will you come back...? You gotta come back and visit..." he said, sniffling. Ghirahim gave his friend a comforting smile. "We will surely return soon. It's only goodbye for now." He gave Rucht a quick hug, before pulling Link close and teleporting.

As they appeared at their next destination, Link immediately began shivering. The air was very wet and chilly. To him, it was worse than the mountain. He glanced at Ghirahim, who glanced back before heading into the mist. The ground was very hard under Link's feet, like a rock. His surroundings were completely enshrouded by thick mist.

They walked on for several minutes. Ghirahim became annoyed every time they had to climb over something. 'This place is so dull. There doesn't seem to be anything but rocks and mist. Is there really a shrine in a place so.... isolated?' Link stared at his partner's back, who continued walking. 'He seems to know where we're going. I guess I'll just put my faith in him.' As they continued walking, Link's thoughts drifted off to his memories of the mountain, Rucht, the ice and snow, the harach. 'Wait... The harach!' Whirling around, he frantically scanned the nearby area, searching for any sign of the little creature. "Ghirahim? What happened to the harach?" "Hmm? Oh, him. Well..." Link' question was answered as something moved inside Ghirahim's cloak. Link was greeted by the brown eyes of the sweet little demon. "Aooh!" The hero sighed, smiling at the harach. He felt so relieved that they hadn't left him behind. "I thought you didn't like him though?" "Yes, well, you could say I've grown rather fond of it." "You know, I think we should give him a proper name. He probably doesn't like being referred to as "the harach"." Ghirahim glanced back at him, amused by his master's idea. "If you wish to do so, go ahead." 'Hmmm... What would be a good name?' He stared at the creature's face for quite a while, trying to come up with a decent name. "How about... Skai?" Ghirahim stopped for a moment, as if considering the name. "That's..... Decent." He began walking again, followed by Link as the three of them neared the third shrine.

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