Chapter 43

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The young hero's eyes widened at the sight. The two demons could barely stand after sustaining that major blow. Pools of blood had formed at their feet and flowed across the room. They dropped to the floor. Link ran to Ghirahim. "Ghirahim!! You ok?! Who's this freak over here??" Link asked, looking over at Ostreiga, who glared with menacing eyes. Ghirahim lay silently, unresponsive. A small stream of blood flowed from the demon lord's mouth. 'He better be alright.' Link's attention returned to the King,  who had forced himself onto his feet, huffing and panting. A sinister smile appeared on his bloody face as his cuts slowly healed themselves. 'He's healing?! How?!' A moment later he stood, looking as if their battle hadn't happened.  "Hehehehe.... What's the matter, boy? Never seen a demon who could heal themselves in the midst of a battle??"

Before Link could even think of responding, the King created a whip of red energy in his hand, quickly throwing at them and sending them flying into the wall. Link clenched his eyes shut as he clamped his hand over his wounded chest, where the whip had struck. 'Nng... Who is this guy...? He's so powerful.. And to take down Ghirahim so easily?? He's going to be a tough one... But.... I have to try.... For Ghirahim!!'

Link's eyes shot open as he threw his opponent a menacing glare. The strong feeling of blood lust surged through him. He was enraged!! He could feel his power rising to a new level, surpassing anything he'd felt before. Using all his concentration, he summoned a bright red light into the palm of his hand, which quickly molded itself into the form of a blade.  The hero now held a blade of pure demonic power. Link readied his battle stance, holding the blade in front of him to counter any attack. Ostreiga only stared at him. "You truly believe you can take me on, don't you? Foolish boy. I am the great king of demons!! I possess strength like no other!! And yet, you stand before me with a glimmer of menace in those beautiful eyes of yours, with no intention of fleeing for the sake of your life. Your courage is truly commendable." Link's glare never ceased. He continued to stare the king down with eyes full of malice and hatred. "However, you would need far more than courage to even hope of defeating me. It really is that difficult. If you don't believe me, you can ask the spirits of the thousands I had killed once I send you to your grave."

 With that, he lunged forward, summoning his own blade as he swung at Link, who quickly countered and swung his own weapon, landing a minor cut on the King's arm. Ostreiga jumped back, landing on the opposite side of the room. The cut quickly healed, followed by another attack. Link swiftly evaded the King's blade stepping around him easily. Link was about to launch another attack when his eyes landed on something rather peculiar. A red diamond embedded in the back of the King's neck. 'What... is that...?' The King turned around and thrust his blade at the hero, who purposefully fell on his back to avoid it. He threw his leg up, kicking the blade from Ostreiga's grasp and then landing a hard punch to his stomach. Ostreiga flew headfirst into the wall, followed by what sounded like glass being shattered. Tiny red shards fell to the floor along with the King. 'I had a feeling that diamond had something to do with his healing ability. If my hunch is correct, I should be capable of wounding him now without him healing.' 

The King slowly rose to his feet, clamping a hand over the back of his neck, panting from pain and slight exhaustion. "I'm afraid I underestimated you... But that mistake will not be repeated... I WILL take you down, boy!! No matter what the costs!!"

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