Wedding Bells

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Today is THE DAY and I'm kinda freaking out I have everything planned out and me being me I am a control freak so I have to make everything perfect and so far my maid of honor isn't here yet and I have to get ready to walk down the isle in 20 min I know I should just relax but I really can't and in my time of need my maid of honor Maddie shows up and my long hair is in curls my make up is perfect and my white heels are on I have 10 minutes left so I finally relax and all that's going through my mind is Taylor and all of the emotional things we have gone through so .
As I hear the music start my breath hitches but I put a smile on as the church doors open and slowly walk to Taylor in his white tux .The theme is teal,white and black.
I feel the tears build up as I finish walking up to Taylor and we start the ceremony we finally get to the vows and we agreed I should go first so I remembered,all of the words going through my mind ."so here we are,after like 13-14 years of knowing each other we are actually fine but not only are we fine we are getting married and to be honest you were the first to say sorry and apologize after all of the stuff you guys made me go through but you know what ,if you told me 8 years ago that I would have ended up this way I would have laughed in you face and carried on with being me .and I regret none of this at all I love you and nothing can change that i hope that we spend our lives together and do some crazy stuff and live our life's to the fullest I love you so much " while I'm stating my vows I start crying then Taylor states his vows and then we both start crying."with the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife."says the priest we kiss and to be honest I feel like there is no one else in the church ,we pull away and smile at each other then walk down the isle to go back to the dressing rooms and get to the after party I get into the white knee high flowy white dress. and we moved the party to the beach ,the scenery was white lights strung up all around and floating 6 blue pools in the water with white floating lights in the water we all got out of our clothes into our bathing suits and me and Taylor and everyone else hot into the empty pools on the water with white and blue lights inside the empty blue pool's.Me and Taylor decided just to stay at the beach for our honey moon once everyone left of course you know what is gonna happen .................................................. we had a pillow fight of course but no really we did what everyone does in their honey moon we had sex and it was amazing,it did hurt but with the one you love you cry because your so in love that you don't just have sex you make love as dumb as it sounds you really do. we ended the night cuddling and watching the movie the breakfast club ,half way through the movie we both fell asleep looking straight into each others eyes and right before we fell asleep we kissed and said I love you.

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