NCA Dallas,Texas

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It was Saturday and that meant NCA yes magcon is coming to NCA and performing with us its scary if we mess up because of them I will rip their heads off.  we just boarded the plane and I was sat in the middle of Taylor and Hayes  and Robert was next to me we were holding hands I was nervous for NCA the boys were staring intensely at Roberts and my hands interlocked I bet they don't know that he's gay "so are you guys like dating " Hayes said "Hahaha no I'm gay" Robert said and with that I heard a sigh of relief from Hayes I wonder what that was about. I fell asleep for the rest of the flight my head on Roberts shoulder and we finally arrived Hayes woke me and Roberts goal is to stunt almost everywhere so when we arrived me and Robert did a one man full bow and arrow we got a picture and we cradled out of the stunt.we got to the hotel room I was sharing with Maddie Robert Taylor and Hayes I share a bed with Taylor and Hayes because I lost the coin flip Maddie is with Robert and I'm with the two boys from hell.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I had to go to sleep soon so I did a quick one i will add more soon (gabi's outfit for the plane on the side). ~Alee

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