Chapter 1: Welcome to Hazbin Hotel

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First of all, thank you for deciding to read my work! Your views and comments mean the world to me - they really keep me motivated! I just want to warn you - English is not my native language, and I am well aware there will be mistakes. I am trying to improve, but if anyone sees something and wants to correct me and/or give me feedback regarding grammar, I'd be more than happy to listen!

A couple of notes regarding the story and setting: I started writing this fic way before the official release of Hazbin, so you might notice not every character's behaviour or relationships align with the show. Probably the most significant difference you come across is Charlie's parents are happily married and somewhat supportive of her dream and Vaggie is a sinner like everyone else. Having said that, I did get a lot of inspiration after watching the show and I will definitely be including some of the events in future chapters.

So, enjoy the story, and please be respectful <3

"Hello, welcome to Hazbin Hotel!" Angel exclaimed excitedly towards the passing sinner.

The spider demon stood at the hotel entrance dressed in uniform, holding the door and giving an overly friendly grin to anyone who passed by. However, most visitors either ignored him entirely or gave him murderous looks. Above the entrance, just below the hotel logo, hung a rainbow banner reading Welcome to the Open House. As the hotel manager, Charlie insisted on drawing it herself, so cute kittens played, and butterflies flew between each word. However, the banner caused more embarrassment than the expected enthusiasm among visitors. Angel wondered how many of them turned and ran away at the sight of it, as he found it incredibly infantile as well. Not that any crowds would flock in any way. Niffty had been running all over Pentagram city for several days, shoving flyers at anyone who didn't get away from her in time. At first, everyone tried to skirt around her until Angel came up with an idea to add a footnote that there would be a party after the hotel tour. Vaggie wasn't very enthusiastic about his addition. Still, the truth was that the hotel had been struggling with a lack of people interested in redemption since its opening, so they tried everything possible to draw attention to it. This place was her girlfriend's dream, and Vaggie supported her 100%.

Angel grinned at another visitor. The uniform was scratchy, and he was incredibly bored. Peeking through the door into the hotel lobby, he contemplated disappearing quietly. But, instead, he met Vaggie's gaze, who was handing out lemonade for a welcome and changed his mind quickly. He had pissed her off the day before when he hid a plastic mouse under her pillow, and it was clear to him that he wouldn't get off so easily this time. Although it was worth the yelling.

"That guy over there has a pretty nice ass," was heard from behind him.

Angel turned to the sound of his friend Cherri's voice, casually leaning against the wall, nodding her head in the direction of a passing hellhound. Cherri checked in the hotel after much persuasion on Angel's part and a promise to Charlie that the two of them wouldn't do mischief together. It wasn't always easy, but luckily, as they say, out of sight...

"Shall we try to pick him up?" Cherri laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. "He's hellborn, so he certainly didn't come here looking for redemption but rather a distraction."

The hellhound was about as tall as Angel, with black fur and dark eyes in a sharply cut face. As he walked through the lobby, both men and women turned around for him.

"Watch and learn," Angel whispered towards Cherri, slipped inside, and followed the hellhound.

It was quite busy inside the hotel by that time. Both sinners and hellborns walked the corridors, peeking into rooms and laughing amongst themselves. Since its opening a year ago, the hotel has undergone many repairs and changes, mostly taken care of by Alastor. The interior shone with newness, and a magnificent chandelier glittered above the heads of the guests. An arched staircase led from the lobby to the mezzanine and then to the upper floors where the rooms were. The reception desk remained on the ground floor, just across from a fireplace with several armchairs for relaxation. There was also a kitchen with a dining room and a common room with a bar and a piano where the party was to be held. After all that, Charlie has come to terms even with the hotel's new name. Right now, she was standing with Alastor on the mezzanine above the stairs, looking down at the bustle.

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