Chapter 9: Happy birthday, Silas! - part 3

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Everything fell into place.

It was Alastor. She was with Alastor .

"No. No, no, no..." Charlie muttered, her hands trembling as she clutched at her temples, desperately trying to push away the mental images flooding back, her stomach tying itself into knots.

As if sheer willpower could undo the past.

Oh God, the things they did together...

Her cheeks burned with shame while she was desperately trying to fight back the nausea as her eyes widened in horrified realization of her own actions. "What have I done..." She whispered.

Silas, the innocent consequence of that forgotten night, stood before her, his face drenched in tears. His baby hands reached out, grasping for the comforting embrace of his mother.

Without a second thought, Charlie pulled him into her arms, cradling his tiny, sobbing form protectively. She felt his frightened heartbeat, a beating of the life she had unplannedly brought into existence. The princess felt a surge of love and responsibility wash over her, mixed with a sense of impending reckoning. She sighed and lightly touched one of Silas's antlers, gently tracing its curve as if to confirm its reality.

The once festive atmosphere was in ruins.

The crying of frightened children and the angry cursing of their parents still echoed through the room. The remnants of the once-perfect birthday cake lay trampled on the ground. It was as though an explosive force had interrupted the celebration, which actually wasn't that far from the truth.

Charlie kissed Silas on the forehead and lifted her gaze to the onlookers. The gossiping demons, pointing both excitedly and fearfully at her son, cast sidelong glances at them. She was aware of their judgement and curiosity, but at this moment, it was the least of her concerns.

Turning her head, the demoness sensed a familiar red figure in the crowd, watching them — the one whose hazy presence in her memories had now taken a clear form.

As if sensing her gaze, Alastor's sharp, ruby eyes locked onto hers. There was a flicker of recognition, a silent understanding that passed between them, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions they both tried to suppress. All of a sudden it made sense to him - the shades, why the magic felt so familiar.

Charlie took a deep breath, her mind racing with the implications of the truth that had just resurfaced.

Alastor wasn't just a friend, he was the father of her child.

But...that shouldn't be physically possible, right?

Vaggie approached, her hand found its place on Charlie's shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity. "It's okay now," she tried to reassure her girlfriend with a calm voice.

Charlie shook her head, suppressing the hot tears of shame threatening to spill. "N-no, it's not okay..." Her voice quivered.

How could she? What kind of person would betray the one she ' s in love with for another?

Vaggie felt the sudden tension in the air, concern etched across her face. Sensing an unspoken turmoil, she noticed the way Charlie and Alastor were looking at each other.

"What's going on?" Vaggie inquired, her voice laced with unease as her eyes darted between the two.

Charlie took a deep breath, her hands shaking as she gave Vaggie a worried look. "I...I remember," she confessed, releasing a heavy sigh.

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