Chapter 4: Obligations and negotiations

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Angel, Cherri, Husk, and Niffty crowded around the door to Charlie's office with their ears glued to it, trying to be as quiet as possible to hear at least some of the conversation taking place inside. Husk's annoyed questions about whether it was really necessary and whether they had nothing better to do were silenced by the remaining trio at regular intervals with impatient Shhh. However, no matter how hard they strained their ears, nothing more than muffled murmurs could be heard through the massive wooden door. Husk was already about to turn around and leave for something more fun, but Niffty climbed onto his shoulders to escape Cherri's sharp heels, forcing him to stay.

Charlie, Vaggie and the hellhound shut themselves in the study for privacy, much to the chagrin of their nosy friends. They sat down around a coffee table where Charlie usually received visitors, the ladies on the couch to one side and the hellhound across from them.

Vaggie cleared her throat to break the suffocatingly awkward silence. "So...mister..."
"Caiphus." The hellhound leaned back in the armchair, wagging his fluffy tail casually as he ran a claw over the armrest. "Just call me Caiphus."

" me get straight to the point. What took you so long?" Vaggie gritted her teeth. She tried to keep herself from pouncing on and strangling him on the spot, but she promised Charlie she'd try to be civil. Still, if he made an attempt to do something, anything, she was ready to let him know what she really thought of him.

The hellhound leaned forward, folding his hands under his chin and baring his teeth in a grin at Vaggie. "What took me so long?" He repeated mockingly. "I was waiting for Charlotte to give me a ring. I naively hoped that since we had such a great time together, she would at least text me the next day. You know, I am not the pushy type," he sneered. "In the end, I came to the conclusion she just used me, and if she really wanted something more than just a one-night stand, she would have let me know." He turned his gaze to Charlie, narrowing his eyes, but the smile on his face didn't disappear. "I understand; I'm probably not the most suitable match for a princess. Then suddenly, your daddy shows up at my house, giving me a lecture about responsibility, nearly killing me, while I had no idea that you were knocked up. Truly a priceless experience."

Charlie blushed under his gaze.

Vaggie grabbed a spear she had kept beside the armchair until now and aimed it at him, the red bow in her hair fluttering wildly. "Drop it! You used her!"

"There goes being civil," her girlfriend thought.

Caiphus spread out his arms in a mockingly conciliatory gesture. "Come on now, put that thing away. We've barely known each other for half an hour, and you're already trying to make the kid a half-orphan?"

Charlie soothingly put her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, making her reluctantly lower her spear. Keekee made her way under the table and fixed her eye on Caiphus, hissing menacingly. He just lazily pushed her aside with his foot.

"I had no way of contacting you or anything to find you by. I don't remember anything from that night." Charlie smiled apologetically, folding her hands nervously in her lap. Vaggie squeezed her hand tightly, then shot Caiphus a disapproving look, Keekee, still under the table, was looking at him exactly the same way.

Caiphus smiled out of the corner of his mouth. "So it is true. Nothing at all?" He asked, inquisitively studying Charlie's face.

Charlie scratched the back of her head, then nervously shook it, looking at the ground. "Nothing. Do you?" She asked cautiously, lifting her eyes up to him, both curious and worried about what she would learn.

The blonde demoness was sleep deprived and hungry. Fortunately, a bowl of cherries she had picked up in the kitchen earlier was sitting on the table. She reached for it and pensively popped one cherry into her mouth as her stomach growled. Vaggie giggled before placing a hand on Charlie's belly; her girlfriend relaxed slightly under her touch.

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