Chapter 5: Choices and consequences

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"Oh my Satan, this is so adorable!" Charlie exclaimed, holding a pair of pink baby shoes and gushing over them like a little girl, her eyes shining with joy. She turned to Vaggie standing a few steps behind her, scanning the strollers on display. "Look at them!" Charlie jiggled the shoes in front of her face.
Vaggie tore her eyes away from the strollers, whose high price was making her sick and nodded in agreement.

Charlie took her hands and happily spun around with her a few times. Vaggie couldn't help but laugh, her girlfriend's enthusiasm was simply contagious. Charlie was wearing a plain yellow summer dress, flip-flops of the same color and a straw hat tied up with a yellow ribbon - a casual outfit ideally suited for a free day outside the hotel, matching Charlie's sunny nature. After much persuasion, Vaggie finally managed to convince her to take some time to herself, and took her shopping. As her due date approached, it was obvious that working around the hotel was taking its toll on Charlie, but she would never admit that she needed a rest. Fortunately, Vaggie's attempt to distract her a little worked even better than she had initially hoped - they walked into the first baby store they came across and had been strolling around it for at least two hours now...

"What do you think? Do you like them?" Charlie asked her already protruding belly, placing the tiny shoes on top of it. She was met with several light kicks in response. Charlie winced but ultimately laughed, putting her hand on the spot where she felt the movements. "I think it's a yes."

Vaggie reached out and placed her hand on top of Charlie's. "How is Cookie doing in there?" She asked.

The blonde demoness sighed with a smile. "They've been pretty restless lately, but they are especially acting up today." As soon as she finished the sentence, another kick followed, confirming her words.

Vaggie smiled and leaned to place a kiss on her stomach. "Maybe they just can't wait to be out."

Charlie turned to Caiphus, who was sitting on a creaky chair in the store's corner, legs spread wide, boredom etched on his face as he played with his phone. "Do you want to feel the baby too?" She asked him.

He looked up from the display and gave her an annoyed look. "Nah, I'm fine," he grumbled, turning his eyes back to the phone and typing something into it.

Charlie's smile faded slightly, even though she didn't really expect a positive answer from him. Apart from asking what royal title his heir would get, Caiphus was practically uninterested in the child. And he definitely wasn't interested in shopping, but he agreed to go with them so Charlie would stop bothering him. Moreover, he didn't want to stay at the hotel alone because a particular resident intimidated him, although he would never admit it. He couldn't shake off the impression that the Radio Demon was observing him suspiciously.

"I want to!" Angel Dust, who had been preoccupied with a box of plush toys until now, squealed and immediately rushed over to Charlie.

She just laughed and raised her hands in surrender so her friend could also experience the acrobatic stunts her offspring was doing.

"Wow, you're right, the little hellspawn of yours is wriggling like crazy," he remarked with astonishment, four of his hands pressed against her tummy.

When Charlie and Vaggie were planning their trip to the store, Angel overheard the conversation and, without hesitation, invited himself to tag along. Fortunately, neither of them objected to his company. When it came to shopping, fashion shopping in particular, Angel took every opportunity to give them advice, be it on style or color combinations. On top of that, he adored children. He came from a large family, so according to his own words, Angel had more than enough experience with them. And he didn't hesitate to share all of it with Charlie and Vaggie.

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